Chapter 7: Meeting Up With Him

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Erin's POV: I woke up really excited because Jacob is coming back today! A lot of MB fans don't know, but they're 14, but Roc is 13 still. I wanted to dress really nice to impress Jacob. I told Sarina last night, so she's going. Roc likes her so when I told him she was coming, he almost had a text fit.

Mom: Hey E, your grandma's on the phone.

Me: Hello?

Grandma: Hey boo!

Me: Hey grammy, how's your trip in Las Vegas?

Grandma: It's cool, but this drunk bastard tried to rob me yesterday and I'm just like 'Nigga, can I help you?' But we won 3,000, so we're staying for 2 more weeks and I need some one to babysit the house.

Me: And you want me and Sarina to do it?

Grandma: See? This is why you're my favorite. Now you have the keys so just let yourselves in and call me tonight when you get in.

Me: We might get in a little late,cause Jacob's coming back from the tour, so we were going out to dinner that night.

Grandma: Okay, that's fine, oh and tell Ray Ray I said hi.

Me: {laughs} Okay I will. Bye grammy, love you.

I hung up and went to my closet and started packing clothes for my grammy's house. I got a text and I regret looking at the name... Tavian.

Asshole_ {Yes I named him that}: Hey, can we talk?

Me: What?

Asshole_: Look, meet up at Crenshaw Park in 30 mins.

Me: And why?

Asshole_: Please?

Me: Ughh, fine.

I jumped into the shower. I am not looking forward to this. This dude does not get it. I want NOTHING to do with him, but the day will be over soon.


1. Grey Crewneck Sweatshirt with a Low Battery with words 'Sorry, I'm Low On Fucks'

2. High- Waisted Jeans

3. Grey Hi-Top Converse

4. Grey Geek Glasses

I doesn't take long to straighten my hair so I'll just do it when I gt back. I grab my phone and my earphones and go to the garage and get my purple cruiser bike. It takes me 10 mins to ride there and lock up my bike. I see Tavian staring at his watch and pacing.

Me: Okay I'm here, what?

Tavian: Good, you're here! {hugs}

Me: {fake smiles} Yeah, so what's up?

Tavian: Please, sit.

He sits and then takes out a picnic basket.

Me: Tavian, I don't have time for this.

Tavian: Look, E, I miss you, I miss us.

Me: Please, don't give me that cheap movie "get back together" scene. You know what you did. {tearing up} I can't keep crying anymore.

Tavain: Well, can you think about it? {hands me a box}

I open a box with a thick gold necklace with my name in big letter badazzeed in diamond. It's the kind you see in Claire's but it was amazing.

Me: Tavian, this is beautiful.

Tavian: Yeah, like you :)

Me: Look, if you think this is going to change--

Tavian: I didn't buy this to win you over if that's what you're thinking. I saw it in the store and it was just your style. Plus you love everything from Claire's.

Me: {sighs} The fact that you thought about me was really sweet. Listen, I'll think about it okay? This is will take some time though.

Tavian: Whatever it takes, cupcake :)

Me: {laughs} What show did you get that off of?

He shrugs and we just started talking about random things. Maybe he did change,but I still have feelings for Jacob. I don't know, I just hope that Tavian just doesn't screw things up.

Me: Omg, I have to go, I'm going out to dinner tonight with some friends. I'll see you later?

Tavian: Yeah sure. {hugs}

We stayed like that for about 5 minutes. I don't know if I'll get back together with him, but he gave me a fabulous necklace, but he could've just bought that to win me over. Who knows?

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