Chapter 12 - The morning after

Start from the beginning

Michael met my eyes. All this time he had his arms behind his back. "Mrs Atkins, you will accompany me to the meeting at the Green's. Organize the needed papers and we are leaving in half an hour."

Thank god I learned the presentation by heart yesterday.

"Understood", we all instantly replied.
He smiled contently. "Good. Now, get back to work, you can laugh later."

Once I booted up the PC, I saw Melinda had sent me an email with all her notes for today's first meeting. I shook my head in amazement. How did she manage this all?

I went over it and jotted down what I needed to get; first thing on the list was to copy the turnover of the last two years. A feeling of proudness washed through me as I pressed the right combination of keys and watched the printer do its job. I had really managed to get along with him – finally! I quickly gathered the papers and put them into a new file while I sorted the old ones back in their right order.

Janet was tapping her foot as I turned around.

"The skirt goes over your knees when you bend down", she growled. I just extended my hand for the slip.
"I have no time – hurry."
"No, you will listen to me-"
"I have a meeting, Janet!"

She grumbled but gave me the slip.

Stockings too see-through. I slapped my forehead. They were skin-coloured stockings, of course you could see- I sighed and just tossed the slip onto Jess's desk.
"She's on a role today", Jess mumbled, putting it into an already full box.

I printed out the remaining files, put my name tag onto my blouse and checked myself in the mirror.

Michael was surprised when I knocked on his door.

"Done already?"
"Yes, Mr Beaumont."
"Do you have the-"
"Files? Yes. Our turnover, our terms and conditions, the services we offer, the packet that would suit them the best along with the charts to prove our claims and some examples of other company's who chose to work with us. I'm sorry for interrupting you."
"Writing material?"
"Here", I lifted my laptop bag, which also included my pad and pens. Michael preferred working both traditionally and digitally, but to jot something down or to illustrate it, he preferred paper and pen.

He got up, took his jacket and put it on.

Today he was wearing a denim blue suit with a cerulean blue tie that battled his eyes. Which blue is more intense?, they seemed to fight over. As he stepped forward from his desk, I spotted brown dress shoes.

Well, I somewhat fit with him, I was wearing a white shirt which was tugged into a knee-long charcoal grey pencil skirt and black heels. What didn't fit was the jacket I had worn to work; a honey coloured, long winter jacket was the pop of colour this outfit had needed.

Michael frowned.
"Did I forget something?"
"Yes", he grimaced. "I said no button up shirts."
"This one is a size bigger", I told him. I stretched my arms back to prove my point. The material didn't stretch over my breasts.

3 long and fast steps later he had covered the space between us and stood in front of me. "Your underwear is visible through the holes."
I turned to my side to prove him wrong again. "I'm wearing a white shirt under it, Mr Beaumont."

Michael took my arm and held it firmly. "I don't like it when I'm not listened to, Sara. No button ups."
"Why not?", I asked annoyed.

His hand moved up and opened my shirt in one quick movement. My eyes widened. "Because of this. You don't know what your superiors will do to you when they want your body."
"Unbutton my shirt?", I lifted a brow.
He laid his hands on my shoulders. "Sara, listen to me and do as I tell you. I have met some shady characters who will do anything to have a woman lying underneath them. Button ups are easy to get rid of."

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