The challenge flashes across Dean's face, a determined smile on his lips.

"Adorable, huh?" His lips move to Castiel's ear. "I think you're forgetting which one of us is the alpha. Why don't you try getting up?"

He stifles the laugh in his throat. Yeah, Dean is a big tough alpha, but Castiel can still hold his own. He waits a beat, then with one quick push shoves Dean off of him and onto the floor. Dean lands with a hard thud and a curse, and Castiel leaps over the couch and dashes up the stairs to his bedroom. He doesn't make it quite as far as he'd hoped, and halfway up Dean's arms are wrapped around his waist, his lips pressed against the skin behind his ear.

"Nice tr—"

Castiel cuts him off, spinning in his arms and kissing him hard and deep. Dean growls, a happy, satisfied sound that Castiel would very much like to hear again. And when his grip loosens, Castiel pries himself out of Dean's grasp and sprints up the stairs. He can feel the adrenaline racing through his veins, can feel the panther right under the surface of his skin in the most delightful way. And then Dean catches him again, this time right as he reaches the cushions, and tackles him onto the floor. And the whole thing devolves into both of them rolling around and squirming and each one trying to get a grip on the other until somehow Dean has Castiel pinned and they are kissing now and not wrestling and Castiel doesn't even care that there's an alpha pinning him down and holding both his wrists in one hand because it's his alpha and he smells like oak and chestnuts and mate.

"You're a fucking cheater, cat," Dean snarls, pulling roughly on Castiel's hair. Castiel bares his teeth at him, runs his claws down Dean's back.

"I'm not a cat," he says, grabbing Dean by the back of his neck and pulling their lips together again.

"No, you're a panther," Dean says teasingly, his voice suspiciously amused. He pulls back out of Castiel's reach, and pulls back even further when Castiel tries to lean up and capture his lips. "A big, tough panther, pinned down my little old me."

He punctuates the sentence with a roll of his hips and by tracing his nose up the side of Castiel's neck, inhaling deeply. It's a blatant show of dominance, and Castiel can't help the blood that shoots down to his crotch or the rush of slick between his legs.

His mate is driving him crazy.

"Get down here, Dean," Castiel growls, hoping beyond hope that Dean listens to him. Which, of course, is way too much to ask.

"Oh so now you use my name. Convenient."

Castiel growls, ignoring the haziness of his vision. He knows his panther is riding close, knows that he has less control here than he'd like to have, but there's something intoxicating about the smell of his mate all riled up and fiery, and he has no desire to control it. Dean, on the other hand, seems strangely in control of his wolf for once.

"You are going to pay for this," Castiel threatens, bucking his hips and squirming to get his wrists free. If Dean weren't so strong he could do it, but they're too evenly matched and Dean obviously has the advantage at the moment.

"Countin' on it," Dean growls back, placing wet, open-mouthed kisses all along Castiel's jawline and along his neck. Castiel whines and squirms, but not with the intention to escape. He just wants his hands back so he can touch his mate and damn Dean is strong. "Would you keep your hands up here if I let go?" Dean says right into his ear.




Dean has, quite literally, never been this turned on in his life. Cas had the guts to fucking run from him and even now when he's clearly pinned, Cas hasn't submitted. Dean thought for about three seconds about giving up, but he can smell the lingering stress of the day clinging to Cas' skin, can smell the cloying scent of other alphas all over him, can smell how pleased his cat is right now to have someone to grapple with.

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