Chapter 10

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It's starting to get dark and Castiel is still a panther when he returns home, padding quietly through the forest. He's kind of cranky, has been all day, and dealing with the Arch and the other Seraphs just now didn't put him in a better mood. Too many alphas, too many pissed off scents, not enough of the alpha he really wanted. He tries to shake off the meeting as he walks, because none of that belongs in his treehouse. It's his sanctuary, and he refuses to bring that baggage with him.

He is, though, genuinely surprised to arrive home only to find his wolf curled up with a small bag laying next to him and sleeping at the base of his tree. His panther practically leaps for joy. His mate came back. Less than 24 hours and his mate came back.

Castiel wanders over to the base of the tree and curls up on the ground as well, wrapping himself around Dean as best he can and resting his chin on the arch of Dean's spine. His wolf stirs, at this, but doesn't shake him off.

What he really wants to do is take his mate upstairs, to feed him, to curl up with him and kiss those wonderful lips again. It's all he's really thought about doing all day. Just him and his freckled wolf. Dean is, apparently, tired of laying on the ground, because after a few minutes he stands up and shifts back. When he's done he pulls a pair of sweats out of his bag and puts them on, then sits back on the ground next to Castiel.

"Hey kitty cat," he sighs, scratching underneath Castiel's chin. "Nice of you to show up."

Castiel sniffs and rubs his nose on Dean's fingers, purring quietly. His wolf smells kind of agitated, kind of twitchy, and Castiel thinks that maybe he's feeling kind of cranky, too.

"Can we go up now? The ground is making my ass sore."

Castiel grunts and stands up, easily climbing up the tree and through the trap door. Dean doesn't move, so he assumes that he's waiting for the rope ladder. How lazy. But Castiel obliges anyway, because he wants his mate up here and more importantly in his bed. So Castiel shifts a little too quickly, hisses at the ache in his bones, and drops the ladder down for Dean after grabbing some pants.

It takes him a minute to climb up, so Castiel lounges on the cushions that make up his couch while he waits anxiously. And he is not disappointed. When Dean pulls himself up into the treehouse he has a hungry smile on his face, and he doesn't waste any time in closing the space between them. Dean growls and kisses him forcefully, licking into his mouth and imprinting his smell all over Castiel. He knows that he smelled like Dean when his wolf had left that morning, but he's bathed since then and by now the smell has faded. He just smells like himself, and he probably smells a fair amount like the other Seraphs. Which, he has to admit, probably isn't doing much for Dean's self-control.

He doesn't mind, though. He likes how Dean's wolf wants to claim him, wants to cover him in their scent. He likes how Dean is dominant here, in this, that he pins Castiel down without so much as a thought. It's interesting that his wolf is submissive in the gentler things, like sleeping and cozying up in the quiet hours of the morning. But when it comes to getting physical, Dean doesn't hesitate to let his alpha out.

"Hello to you too," Castiel manages, hearing a growl escape Dean's throat. "You know, there are a lot of comfortable surfaces in this tree. And this is the smallest of them all."

Dean mouths at his throat while he talks, carefully not using teeth, and Castiel resists the urge to tilt his head and bare his neck for better access. He doesn't want Dean to think he's agreeing to this ridiculous plan to make out on his tiny couch.

"Moving requires me letting you up," Dean says, his voice low and going straight to Castiel's panther. Let him up? Oh hell no.

"Puppy," he purrs, nipping at Dean's lower lip and petting his short hair. "It's adorable that you think you're holding me here."

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