After a few minutes it's Dean that's pinned down with Cas on his hips, and not the other way around. He's panting, and aching to get his hands on his fucking cat. Instead, Cas is holding him down by his wrists, staring down at him with a feral look in his eyes that is more animal than Dean has seen thus far.

"Good job, kitty. You got me."

Cas growls.

"Are we done talking now?" Dean asks, grinning up at Cas.

"I think so."

"Can I kiss you now?"

"Please," Cas rumbles, releasing Dean's wrists and sitting back across his hips.

Dean sits up, studiously ignoring the fact that the residual smell of Cas' heat is all around him while Cas straddles his lap. That's way too much to think about right now. But Cas makes no moves forward, even as Dean settles one hand on his hip while the other pushes through his messy dark hair. Cas purrs quietly, and Dean can't help but smile. He's glad that Cas is yielding to him here, letting him have control. With his palm cupping Cas' jaw Dean closes the space between them slowly, so slowly. Because he only gets one first kiss with his mate, and this is it. Their lips slot together like they were made for it, and Dean's entire body lights up from the inside out. He knows immediately that this is, without a doubt, the best thing he has ever felt. Cas' lips are warm and rough, full against his own, and just their simple touch makes his heart race. Dean feels Cas respond in kind, feels how he tenses and inhales sharply, presses harder against Dean's mouth when a low growl escapes his throat. Their cat is responsive, his wolf thinks, their cat knows what they want. It's a little messy and desperate, imperfect, and everything Dean wants.

That's when he smells a fresh wave of slick, sweet and tempting, and oh god he's not going to make it.

Dean tightens his arm around Cas' waist, pins him against his body, which Cas seems pretty happy about if the deep purr in his chest is anything to go by. He slides their tongues together, he sucks Castiel's puffy bottom lip into his mouth. And he just kisses him, every way he knows how, for minutes, for hours, he has no idea. He memorizes the noises he makes in his throat, the scraping of his nails on Dean's back, the taste of his mate's lips. He tries very hard not to think about whether or not Cas' slick would taste as sweet as it smells, or as incredible as his lips.

And Cas gives as good as he gets the whole time. He arches his back into Dean, bends his neck to chase his lips if Dean ever goes too far away. They roll their hips together, too, but that's not what this is about. Not right now.

It takes Dean a really long time to form words again, but when he manages it he has a lot to say. Or, well, a lot he wants to say. None of it comes out. The only thing that he manages to fumble out is-

"How'd you know it was me?"

Cas tilts his head and thinks for a few seconds before responding.

"I was wandering along the border of your territory, feeling out the edges. Then I caught your scent, on that rock. I had no idea who you were, but I couldn't stay away. There was just... something about it. Like gravity, pulling me in. You smelled like home," he says, stroking a hand down Dean's cheek and kissing him softly. With Cas' scent all over him, Dean kind of thinks he knows what he means.

"Then you showed up, in the flesh. And my god you were beautiful."

"Cas..." Dean tries, but Cas just keeps talking.

"The little whiffs of your scent that I had smelled didn't do you justice. And you were so angry, all I wanted was to make it all go away. I've never been a fan of alphas, with their domineering personalities and overbearing possessiveness. But you weren't smothering," he says with a smile.

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