"Niall what the hell!" Scarlett screamed loudly as Niall appeared infront of her with a gun. Scarlett looked at him in disgust and pure hatred. Niall was mentally insane from the accident. "You said you would love me forvever." He says as he steps toward Scarlett. 

Scarlett licks her lips as she tries to back up, but the wall stopping her; along with the chains connected to the huge metal bar. "That was until you went insane!" She screamed, trying to defend herself. Niall chuckled as he pointed the gun to her, "My dear, we're all insane. Just some people are better hiding it than others. And anyways, I'm not that insane."

"Niall, listen to me," Scarlett spoke as she looked up at him, "You need help, serious mental help. You have to go to a mental institute or something and get better. Listen to me, you were once a good guy and I know you can be that guy again."

"Shut the hell up!" He screams loudly as the gun in his hand shakes a bit, "If you just shut up, I wont hurt you. We're relocating you upstairs. I'm going to unchain you, and if you make one wrong move I'll shoot you." She nodded my head as he looked at her; uneasy for a second.

As he unchained her, he held the gun to her head. She didn't squeeze one bit, she knew he was serious and he would kill her if he had to. As Niall and her made their way upstairs, Scarlett began to shake a bit. Everything was happening too fast, and she didn't know what to do. 

Niall then led her up another flight of stairs, and then walked her into the window room. Niall tossed her on the bed and chained both her ankles under the bed. She could only walk a certain distance. "Don't try to get help, you can see outside but they can't see you. Also sound proof walls everywhere, don't try to scream; it wont help you."

"Why are you doing this!" She screamed, frustrated as hell. She was sick and tired of everything happening to her. She just found out her parents were still alive. She finally was going to start a life, a better life that is. Until, this.

"Don't ask questions, you already know the answer to you dumb whore." He stated as he slammed the door shut. Scarlett sat on the bed in utter confusion. She had a good idea about why he was mad, she left him after he got back from the hospital. It was wrong to do so, but it was months of him being in the hospital and a lot of time hanging out with Harry. She knew it wasn't an excuse.

She sat there in silence, and a low sound of talking downstairs that she couldn't understand. She looked behind her, as the window roamed her vision. She saw nothing but a lonely street, and trees. God knows where she was right now.


"Scarlett." I heard a voice call out. I turned to Harry, my 'boyfriend'. I looked at him for a moment before speaking up, "Yeah?" He sniffles his nose, and looks down. I could tell he was hurt, I would be hurt if the love of my life forgot their memory and didn't remember me. I would be devastated. I would be broken. 

"I'm so sorry, I- It's my fault this is happening." His voice cracks as I saw him wipe a tear away from his cheek, "I'm so sorry."

"I don't know you, but I do know some things. I know you really care about me, and I'm sorry that I don't remember you. Don't think that this was your fault. I don't want you to think that I lost my memory because of you. From my point of knowledge, you saved me and I cannot thank you enough."

"Try to remember, please." He begs as he comes closer to me. I look at him oddly, "I'm trying, I really am. I just don't remember you. I'm sorry." I say as he bites his lip and covers his face with his hands. 

"If you never get your memory back, I want you to know something about yourself. I don't want you to forget some things about you." He says as he takes a seat on the hospital bed. I nod my head as he licks his lips and begins to talk.

"When ever you got mad, you made stupid decisions. You sniffled your nose when ever you thought hard. You're independent, you thought you could do everything and anything on your own. You loved pickles dipped in peanut butter. You also love watching American Horror Story on Saturday nights, while you eat pickles dipped in peanut butter." He chuckles as he looks at his hands, "You hate it when I tickle you, and you secretly loved the way I played with your hair when you were upset or tired. You're complete shit at driving, but I would never tell you. When you get excited about something you always laugh a bit too loud and smile a bit harder. Your dimples were always pounding through. When you cry, your cheeks get extremely red, and you always cried on your pillow. You hated letting people see you cry. You thought you were too strong to cry, and you didn't want anyone to think any less of you.."

"How do you-' I said but he budged back into talking.

"You also painted your nails black. Never a different color. You laugh like a walrus, and you are amazing at bowling. You always get a happy meal at Mcdonalds, and tell them you're a guy to get the cool toy." I see him chuckle as he looks down at the floor. A tear was flowing down his cheek. I was stunned he knew this much information about me, "One more thing you need to know about yourself is that you loved someone who loved you back ten times as much. I would do anything for you, and you need to know that. I love you Scar, and I always will. Even if you never get your memory back, and you never feel the same way about me; I need you to know you'll always be loved by me."



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