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 Harry's Slave:
Chapter 37:

Scarlett's P.O.V
One Day Later:

                                        I woke up and heard nothing but the sound of rain coming from outside my window. I sighed as I grabbed my phone from my side. My head was hurting. It's been hurting for hours now. It's been hurting since Harry had left. It's been pounding like a drum and I cannot stand it anymore. I'm not sure if it's from heartbreak, or if it's just from worry.

Worry from where Harry was going, or what he was going to do. I was going to go mad if I didn't find out what was happening to Harry. Don't get me wrong Harry is a smart guy, but he makes stupid decisions.

 The rain become harder now and It thundered as well. I moaned and turned over to my phone. It was early, five thirty a.m. School was today. I debated whether to even go to school Maybe I could drop out and become a ice cream woman. It was a option.

My good side won. I slowly, but gradually got out of the bed and into to my bathroom. I washed my face and went back to my room to my closet. Since it was raining, and it was cold, I decided to wear a plain light blue sweater, white pants, and my black converse. I didn't care what people thought about me. I just didn't care..

My heart didn't feel right. It felt funny as if something was torn out of it. I removed the thought from my head and shrugged the problem off my shoulder. Slowly I put on my clothes and went back to the bathroom to apply some makeup quite playfully. 

I didn't care.

Then I did my hair. I attempted to straighten it and it kinda looks good. But it wasn't completely straight. 

I didn't care.

I sighed once more and looked into the mirror. I had bags under my eyes. I broke out a litte on my forehead. My skin looked paler then usual. My skin was cold. My eyes weren't my light blue color. They were dark grey. Everything about me was changing for the worse.

And I didn't care.

I dragged my body out of my room and into the kitchen. Zayn was in there with his usual black shirt with jeans. 

"Morning love." He smiled, "Good morning." I replied vaguely.

I grabbed my backpack from the counter. I took my phone out and began to play on it. My Facebook was blowing up with rumors about me. Where ever I went my name came up. I logged out quickly before any more fake information was introduced to my mind. Honestly I didn't care about the rumors. They could think what ever their silly minds want to think.

"Is anything wrong babe?" He questioned as he fixed his shirt.

"Nothing, hey I'm going to school early today.. I'll see you later?" I spoke as I arose from my seat. Zayn sighed and came up to me and hugged me. 

"Be safe." He said as he released me. I waved goodbye and walked out of the house and into my car.I turned my car on and made my way to school... This was going to be interesting.

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