Chapter 26 - Tony: Substituting Love

Start from the beginning

"I told the doctor I would wait for you." I saw her eyes starting to well up.

"Nothing would keep me away." I squeezed her hand again and kissed her forehead.


Never before had I seen such a miracle.

Ok I admit I was pretty freaked out at first when the baby was about to be born. Nicole held onto me so tightly it actually hurt. I saw how hard it was for her to delivery the baby and when Nikolai was finally out, she took a long exhausted sigh. And the sight of her with her eyes lit up when the baby was placed in her arms for the first time - priceless. I wouldn't have wanted to miss that for the world. I saw her tears fall down as she held her baby in her arms, not wanting to let him go. She carried him like he was a precious treasure she would never part with - and he was.

What surprised me was when the doctor asked if I wanted to hold Nikolai as well. I saw Nicole smile at me and offered her baby for me to carry. That scared me as well because this was the first time I would be holding a newborn baby in my arms. But with Nicole's guidance, I was able to hold Nikolai and stare at his small frame. It kind of saddened me as his birth served as a reminder that Nicole was going to take care of him alone. But at the same time, I knew how happy she was. A few minutes later, the doctor advised that we would need to bring Nicole to her room and the baby to the nursery. I offered to carry the baby there because like Nicole, I couldn't bear to have him leave my arms just yet.

On my way to the nursery, however, I saw someone I never expected to see. And along with him - another person I never expected to be there with him.


When Matteo saw me with the baby, I instinctively wanted to hide Nikolai from him. He didn't deserve to see his kid when he decided to abandon Nicole. And seeing Frances with him - that surprised me as well. I saw Matteo walk towards me but I turned away. "Get out of here before I kill you."

"He's my son."

I laughed and finally handed Nikolai to the nurse who was looking at us with a puzzled expression on her face. "I think Nicole would want to see Nikolai again, Miss. But, you should probably bring him to the nursery already." I told the nurse. There was no way I would let Matteo get a glimpse of Nikolai. Then I turned my attention to Matteo, my eyes filled with so much hatred. "You gave up your right to be a father to Nikolai when you broke her heart."

I saw Matteo about to protest and I was ready to punch him then and there but Miranda suddenly stepped in. "Tony, go see if Nicole's awake. I'm sure she doesn't want to be alone."

"He doesn't have the right to be here."

Miranda rubbed my shoulder. "He's the father, Tony."

"He wasn't even there when she gave birth...and for him to show up now? Wow." I was so pissed that Miranda had to push me towards the elevator to keep me from throttling Matteo then and there. Miranda looked at me pleadingly and I reluctantly left her with Matteo and Frances. When I got to Nicole's room, I locked the door. There was also no way I'd let Matteo see her either.

I looked at Nicole's sleeping form. I knew she was still tired so I continued to watch her as she slept. I only left her side when I heard knocking on the door. I walked towards the door and opened it just slightly so that I could see who was outside. "Relax, Tony. It's just me."

I walked back to Nicole's side while Miranda closed the door. "He has no right."

I heard her sigh. "He's the father, Tony. But don't worry, I told him not to bother Nicole. Besides, I doubt you'd let him near her anyway." I knew she was trying to lighten the mood.

"Who's here?" A voice from behind us spoke. Nicole finally woke up.

"No one. Just the doctor who wanted to see if you were already awake." I heard Miranda reply. She looked at me pleadingly so I went along with her white lie.

"Yeah. She'll probably be back later."

I heard Nicole sigh. Was she thinking of Matteo? It hurt just thinking about that possibility. Technically, he did show up. And I figured Miranda had something to do with it. Thirty minutes later, their parents and brother arrived. I saw Miranda point to the door and I figured that was her cue to get me alone to talk.

I followed her outside and watched her light a cigarette. She offered me one but I already pulled out a stick of my own. "You plan on telling me why he showed up?"

She sighed and shrugged. "I don't know. Never expected him to show up. I didn't even want him to."

"But he did. Did he tell you why?"

She shook her head. "I made them leave when Frances was defending him. I told him he shouldn't have come because you were here."

"Did he see Nikolai?"

She shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe. He does have that right, Tony. He may have been an asshole to Nicole, but he did try to be a dad to his son by showing up."

"Do you think she hoped he would show up?"

"I don't know. I don't think she told him she was about to give birth. I checked her phone. She only contacted three people - you, Wacks, and Ma."

"Oh." Maybe she really did give up on Matteo.

"I guess she got scared he might reject her again. There is that possibility, you know." Then she patted my arm. "Thanks for being there for her. I was surprised she didn't want me in that delivery room."

"You think she only wanted me there because I'm like a substitute for Matteo?"

"Don't think that way. I doubt Nicole thinks you're a substitute either. I think you've been wonderful to her ever since you came back and she's grateful for that. So am I, actually. That's a first. I used to hate your guts you know."

I laughed. "I know. At least now I'm trying to redeem myself."

She suddenly hugged me - which took me by surprise. Miranda was never a touchy person. She didn't let me go for a while and I could feel her tears on my shirt. "I can't believe this happened to my sister."

I rubbed her back. "She's a strong person. Plus she won't be alone. She has us."

She wiped her tears away. "I better take care of the paperwork. Birth certificate and all that..." She pulled away from me. "You should go back to her."


When I got back to her room, I saw Nicole with Nikolai. By that time, Tita Mercedes had left the room to find Miranda. Tito Nathan and Jacob were still in the room talking to Nicole. Nicole smiled when she saw me. "He's beautiful, isn't he, Tony? I was telling Dad and Kuya how happy I am to have him." [Aunt] [Uncle] [Older brother]

I stayed with Nicole after her family left. Miranda told me she needed to go buy things for Nicole so I offered to stay with her sister while waiting for her to return. Nicole didn't speak much, and when she did it was always to talk about her son. I knew she was happy, but I couldn't help but feel that deep inside she was still hurting. I didn't really talk to her about it because I didn't want to upset her. All I wanted was to ease the hurt she may be feeling.

"I can stay here with you if you want. Caleb told me that I could get as many days off if I hook him up with your sister."

Nicole laughed and squeezed my hand. "I don't think my sister is interested in being set up with anyone right now. Besides, wouldn't Martin be heartbroken if you did that?"

I laughed with her. "I guess. But you know him...he'll always be a devoted slave to her."

Then Nicole became serious. She looked at her baby sleeping soundly in a crib by her bed. "Thank you for everything, Tony. You don't know how much this means to me to have you here."

I hugged her. "I'd do anything for you, Nicole."

Including trying to erase Matteo from your heart...

-end chapter 26-

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