Chapter 16

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"Are you seeing what m seeing there?" Rahul whispered into my ear.

"Yes m right here you leave her arm." Shekhawat replied in a cold tone that could scare anyone but not Rahul..coz now Rahul was totally clutching on my forearm as if giving Shekhawat a challenge.

"Why would I leave her? She isn't your wife or girlfriend and last time I checked you said she is only your employee so why would I listen to you?? Right, Sanyu?" He turn to me with a silly smile.

"Sanyu? How dare you give her a nickname? And it's my order..leave her arm at instant Rahul." Shekhawat said glaring at Rahul and it was I who finally pushed Rahul a little so that we can stand apart.

"Huh... Why are you here anyway? Don't tell me you taking up new job as Sanyu's driver." Rahul asked folding his arm.

"Stop calling her Sanyu first, and I came here for work okay. I was going back and thought I should meet you two to know how's work going." Shekhawat replied hesitantly.

"Oh you're here for it means you can enjoy reading files while we get out n have food." Rahul was really giving him tough time.

"No..we have no time. I have flight tickets with me. And Aggarwal, bring your bags..we are going." He finally said something directed to me.

"Yes sir." I nodded and went inside to bring my bags, while I carried them to front I heard both men talking..

"Don't treat her like that Randhir, you know she is important to you. Let her feel it too." It was Rahul's voice.

"You don't know what's going with shut up. And she knows how much she mean to me." Shekhawat argued.

"I don't think so, if she was really knew how much she mean to you, she wouldn't have to be here miles away from you waking up all night worried about you." Rahul spat on him, and this was the first time I saw Rahul so angry.

"If I had met her before you Randhir, trust me I would have done everything to make sure she chooses me but now that you have your luck with you, and she loves you too all I want you to make her happy. Or else remember a girl like Sanyukta deserve the best, if it's not you..then may be from others..." Rahul said all of it and the moment I came out... He smiled at me like always.

"Bye rahul... M glad I met you." I said honestly.

He came forward me and pressed his lips on my hair and whispered in my ear, "M here whenever you need help with anything...and Stay happy."

I saw Shekhawat's hand turning into a fist and his jaw clenched, I knew he was not happy how Rahul was concerned about me and before he could do anything bad I stood beside him and said, "Lets go"...

He didn't need any assistance further, he held my hand tight and almost dragged me to car... We didn't spoke a word to each other even when there were thousand questions to be solved by us, our car rode fast towards the airport and when we were about to get on the plane, he said, "M not jealous or possessive Aggarwal, but if again Rahul touch even a finger of yours, I will shoot him and you will not blame me.."


Isn't it funny yet cruel how I was dying to ask him thousands of questions when we were apart and now when he was sitting beside me on our flight back to mumbai, I could only stare at his face which was totally void of any emotion. I wonder what might happen to him in these days? Did he too had sleepless nights like me or he was yet again back to those pills Arpita was giving him. I had too many questions to ask, but it wasn't the right time. He didn't seem ready to face those questions and may be that was the reason he was looking away from me all the while.

Randhir A Name She Fell In Love With... by Madhusmita Das Where stories live. Discover now