Chapter 13

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There's nothing in this world that can't be fixed with a long cosy nap. I slept for god knows for how long clutching side pillow under my embrace and the fact that my bed had still smell of some alpha male of my life, it works like magic on my system. I never knew how love gave so much power to someone that it feels more stronger than gravitational force..more overpowering than anything else. I inhaled his smell from my pillow like a drowning person seeking breathe..and I felt everything perfect.

It was almost night when I finally get out of my bed, and went to kitchen to search something to eat. With the first morsel inside my stomach, I had only one thought, had he eaten something or not. I grab my phone but kept it down again not feeling confident enough to call him up. Sure he knew about my feeling but I didn't want to be listed on the bothering people's in his life.

It was almost midnight when I bundled up myself in bed and opened my laptop to check my emails and found Ragini's mail containing pics from her marriage. She was looking so beautiful, and her groom well he was handsome too. But that one picture among them, cut open the wounds that had been started to heal. My ex husband's picture with my parents, they seemed happy...not bothered about the past and I wondered how cruel this society can be which turn parents against their own daughter. I turn down the laptop with thud and felt irritated.. Irritated because of my parents who never really loved me...irritated because that Rathod was still welcomed in my family while I wasn't and mostly deep down in my heart I was irritated because someone was not missing me, like I was missing him.

'Shut up Sanyukta, he never said he have feelings for's your fool heart that always expect more than you should.' My brain popped up.

'He must be busy, he cares for you Sanyukta. Didn't you see how he always look after you.' My heart gave me hope.

'Oh please, that's just because he don't want to embarrass you. Otherwise he wouldn't have fell asleep without you.' My brain was a super practical bitch.

'May be he is awake like you Sanyu, may be he is hesitant. Or may be he don't want to open up. You should call him up.' My heart encouraged me.

'Don't you dare call him..jise call karna hoga khud karega.'

'No you should call him..may be he is waiting for your call.'

And the battle started on.. I finally decided to follow my heart again and pick up the phone but before I could dial up his number, his name flashed in my phone screen and my heart literally did a happy dance while my breathe slowed down as I answered his call.

"Hello sir."

"Hello, umm I actually called you up..I mean I thought we should discuss." His voice was husky but nervous.

"About what sir?"

"Umm..Mehra project.. We should talk about Mehra's project..are you okay with that?" He asked.

I suppressed my mouth in pillow not to burst out in laugh and I wondered how he expect me to not fall for him when he makes me fall in love with him everytime...


I was sent to all girl's school in my entire school life, then it was again a women college from where I graduated and after two months of completing my 22nd year in this earth I was married to a guy whom I never really knew. But After reading the books, watching movies and specifically after meeting Shekhawat, I had realised one thing. A hot attractive man can surely make you swoon with feels and excitement but the moment you discover a child inside his tough exterior, you will fall for him crazy like never before.

M sure Shekhawat sir had no idea how adorable he was whenever he sound confuse and try to hide his real feelings. It was so cute yet silly, how we were acting. We talk about Mehra's project to how he wanna killed whoever broke into his office and as the night grew more deeper we started talking about dreams and hopes.

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