Chapter 14

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My eyes welled up instantly, his eyes were so honest, he didn't need to do any further explanation of that simple two word cause I believed him. You cant sound so honest if you don't have a heart which really accept own mistake. I could only imagine how much tough it was for him to admit his fault but it comes out so honestly that I know he was really sorry.

"M really sorry.. I shouldn't have snap at you for no reason.." He said looking down.

"If m getting treats like this everytime you get angry on me, then I don't mind." I replied taking a bite from the pastry and smiled brightly at him.

"I don't want to hurt you.. It feels so bad." He confessed and I don't know if its not declaration of feelings then what it was.

I reached out to his hand which was lying on the table and placed my hand over him. His hand was so warm that instantly shot electricity to my vein and our eyes met for a brief second.

The waiter came back with lots of food and we started on it. It was so delicious and the company I had with me was enough to make anything better for me.

"But why you were so angry?" I asked.

"You wont believe that Mehra said he had received a better project than us..n today at the evening he will declare who will get the whole assignment."

"What? Our project was finalized right?" I was shocked.

"Yup.. But now he is having a second thought on it. And I don't know why but having this feeling that it have some connection with the breaking in my office." he said.

I wonder how can anyone stoop so low to get something, it was our hard work..our ideas and now someone else was going to get the prize just polishing the same.

"Hey, you don't worry okay?" He looked at me so tenderly and My heart did skipped a beat realising how we were talking to each slowly he was letting me in his world and how terribly I was falling for him.

"Sir, do we have to send your dinner tonight also?" The guy who came with bill asked Shekhawat.. Obviously he was so known to all.

"Yes.. Please be there on time." He said giving a card to the boy.

"What was that?" I asked.

"Oh..Jiggy went to his native place yesterday. So I need to arrange something to survive no?" He replied nonchalantly.

No wonder he was looking pale in the morning, I rolled my eyes at him and said, "Cancel the order."

"Why?" He asked.

"Coz I cook more healthy and better than this.." I said with authority in my voice.

It's been so long since I cooked something special, I had no reason to even pamper myself. I couldn't express how happy and excited I was being in the kitchen, cooking for him. I didn't felt a bit of tiredness even after the office and shopping groceries, I only wanted this night to be perfect..for us.

It was 10 in the night, when I was done with my shower and had fresh clothes in. Butterflies seemed going crazy under my belly as I waited for him to come. And finally it was the time..

I literally ran to the door hearing the calling bell and took a deep breathe, straightening clothes before opening it. And there he was, standing at my door looked better than any dream in his jeans and V necked t-shirt with blazer. He didn't look like any rich businessman that moment but he simply felt like a hot guy on his date. He seemed a little disoriented, a little clumsy and I couldn't get why. The moment he walked inside my cosy apartment I felt a heated tension in the air, he just had looked at me one time and that was enough take my heart a route to thousand miles. I was wearing this red dress falling in my mid thigh and I felt beautiful just how his eyes grazed looking at me. He stood closed to me, so close I could breathe his smell, and I smelled alcohol.

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