"This old thang." He teased as I rolled my eyes playfully. Blu whispered in his ear as I frowned. Her and Banks were becoming the best of friends. "You look beautiful as usual."

I blushed as Onyx called us to go inside because church was starting. I followed behind her as she found an empty pew for us all to sit in. Carter on one end and Banks on the other. Blu crawled into my lap as Banks frowned.

"Word? You dissing me for your mommy?" He played hurt as she shook her head no. She immediately got out of my lap and squished her small self in between us.

"Now you both can share me." She smiled big before sitting in between us and locking one arm in with me and the other with Banks.

Church began and Pastor Katy spoke a powerful message about forgiveness. Forgiving someone was always the hardest thing to do but it was better for you to forgive for your own sake rather than the other person. I had forgiven Ayden a long time ago for all that he put me through, if I hadn't I would still be a miserable bitch.

I got up clapping to some of the songs along with Blu who made Banks get up as well to join us and the fact that he did made me smile.

I caught him taking glances at me and I even stole a couple glances at him and he caught me as well.

I blushed looking the other way still indulging in the beautiful voices of the choir.

Soon, church was coming to an end as they passed a basket around for us to place our tides and offerings. When it came to us, Banks stopped me from putting my own money in the basket before placing a stack of money in.

"Banks, you don't have to put that much money in." I whispered loud enough for him to hear as he shrugged.

I laughed a little as we said our final prayers before the service ended. Banks and Blu walked out ahead of me as I frowned.

"Carter, your brother is stealing my baby." I whined as he laughed.

"Mines too." He said as we made it outside to see Blu and Cali harassing Banks. You could tell that he loved it though.

"Y'all coming over for dinner?" Onyx asked Carter while eyeing me to see what I'd say. I had no problem with it. I always cooked too much food anyway.

"The more the merrier." I shrugged with a smile.

"Good, cause I'm hungry and my moms don't cook no more." He laughed. "I'll head home first to change into something comfier."

"Okay." I smiled walking over to Banks grabbing his attention. He looked me up and down as I smiled. "Come on give me my baby."

I grabbed Blu into my arms as she giggled.

"Five more minutes mommy." She cheesed in my face.

"Blu, I need to start cooking we're having company."

"Can my friends please come?" She said referring to Cali and Banks.

"If they want to." I said as Banks nodded picking Cali up.

"We'll be there." He said as I nodded. He stared at me for awhile before I blushed placing a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Okay, I'll see you guys later." I smiled before heading to the car. Onyx met me there and helped Blu into her car seat.

"I felt that word today sis!" Onyx smiled as I nodded. I enjoyed going to church through all the things I've been through God has to be my biggest support system.

"Me too, O."

"What you cooking today?" She asked as I stopped at a red light and looked behind me to see Blu staring out the window while humming as I smiled.

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