"Mommy who hurt you? Justin did it? I'm going to tell grandma." Kaharie said.

"No sweetie he didn't do it on purpose, we were just playing." Kairen said.

"Mommy me an Saiyer play all the time and we don't get hurt like that." Daystar said.

"I know but we were play fighting." Kairen said getting up, "Now y'all be nice while I go talk to Justin."

The kids nodded and watched her leave. Kairen went back down stairs to see Justin playing with a gun. A gasp got stuck in her throat as she watched him.

"Come here." He said sternly.

Kaire obeyed. "Do you know how long I've been wanting to get close to you. Years. Nasir always told me to leave you alone and that you wasn't worth it." He said.

It all made since now. Justin was Nasir's brother. Back in the day he was way uglier and conservative. When Zanara's and Nasir relationship was good, Nasir always talked about how his little brother had a crush on Kairen. Kairen of course never paid it any mind.

"You got my brother killed bitch. I was going to go after Winter, then I said nah he didn't even know you at the time. So I said why not kill the hoe who got him killed in the first place." He said twirling the gun around.

Kairen moves away slowly. Justin peeped her actions  and ran up to her. He grabbed her by the legs and dragged her. Kairen kicked him in the arm and he let go. Kairen got up and started running. Justin aimed his  gun and directed a shot towards her stomach. The bullet pierced her skin and made her fall. Her adrenaline spiked and Kairen got up with a furry. Another shot was directed to her chest, but it didn't phase Kairen. She ran up upstairs to the kids room and altered them. She thanked god they never took their shoes off.

"Okay I need you guys to be real quiet and calm. I'm going to jump out the window and you guys are to jump when I say so. Okay." They nodded.

"Wait mommy I gotta get something."Daystar said.

He ran out the room before Kairen could catch him. Saiyer and Kaharie looked at their mother and saw blood seeping through her clothes. "Mommy you're bleeding." Saiyer said about to cry.

"Hey hey hey. I'm okay. I just need you guys to be okay." She said.

Daystar ran back in the room. Kairen told them what she was going to do again and they understood. Kairen jumped out the window of the second floor and landed. Kaharie was the second, Saiyer the third, an Daystar the fourth. She caught each and everyone one of them. Her gunshot wounds weren't affecting her her due to how high her adrenaline was and how fast it was coursing through her body.

Kairen picked up Kaharie on her hip and put Saiyer on her back. She told them to hold onto her extremely tight she grabbed Daystar's hand and started to run. She ran from in back of the house to and quiet street. While running she heard Justin screaming and gunshots go off. Kairen didn't even look back.

At 11:00 at night the streets of New Orleans were empty. Kairen  ran and kept running until her gunshot wounds started to get to her and her adrenaline was stopping. While running she started to trip over her feet. She let the kids down and sat down by a closed corner store. Blood soaked her clothes as she struggled to keep her eyes up.

A car traveled down the road and saw the fiasco. Justin exited the car and smiled menacingly. He walked up to the kids and Kairen. The kids coward in fear while he just smiled. He pulled out his gun which caused the kids to scream and Kairen to try and get up. He shot Kairen right in the heart making her lay motionless. The kids crowded around their mothe crying and trying to get her to get up.

"Mommy get up!" Saiyer yelled.

"Mommy!" Kaharie cries.

Tears ran down Daystar's face as anger coursed through him. Daystar heard Justin cock his gun again. Daystar pulled out the gun that he found while trying to get his teddy bear. He knew that Justin was hurting his mother and that he gave her the gunshot wounds. So when he found the gun, his intention was to give it his mother hit it seemed like he's using it. Daystar aimed the gun at Justin, while Justin had the gun aimed at him. Three shots went off.

Pop! Pop! Pop!

The End

The end is here. To see what happens next be on the look out for the next book Love should be posted a day or two from now.

I type hate this chapter. I feel like I rushed it but 🤷🏾‍♀️.

Tell me y'all thoughts

Do y'all hate me?

The secret of Justin?

Yea that's all I got but if you have any questions requests or just wanna vent about the the story. Pm me!


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