He's in Jail- Chris Hemsworth

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(Y/n) sits at the table, waiting on her so called boyfriend after what he has done. She looks angry and exhausted. Messy bun, no makeup wearing only a hoodie and jeans.
A man in orange, short hair slowly growing out, and over 6 ft in height walks over to the table.
The man sits down and looks at (Y/n). He starts grinning.
Chris(smiling): Hey beautiful. I miss you.
(Y/n) glares at Chris, still pissed off but speaks.
(Y/n): Hi Chris.
Chris: How are you?
(Y/n): Fine. How's jail? You dropped the soap yet?
Chris: Pretty great. And no. That didn't happen and it won't happen anytime soon.
(Y/n): I still can't believe you stooped so low to be in here.
Chris: What other choice did I have?
(Y/n): You had other choices, but you chose this one instead.
Chris(changing the subject): How's JJ?
(Y/n): Why do you care?
Chris(getting angry): I can't ask about my son now?
(Y/n): You can ask about MY son when you get your shit together and do something right for once!
Chris is fed up so he stands up.
Chris: I rob one bank, complete one score to get out of the game, and buy you a diamond necklace and you already say my life is messed up?! I don't get a thank you?!
(Y/n) stands up as well.
(Y/n): Why would I thank someone who would always put his lover and child at risk?! I still have years of debt, your debt that I have to pay off. JJ is starting school soon and he needs supplies. I still have the same job that still pays me the same every 2 weeks. The least I can get is help, but YOU can't even provide that.
Chris's anger and frustration turned into a frown.
Chris: (Y/n), I'm sorry. I still care about you.
(Y/n) just looks at him in disgust.
(Y/n): 5 minutes is up. Bye.
(Y/n) stands up, leaving.
Chris: Wait, (y/n).
She turns to face him.
Chris: When will you be back to visit me?
(Y/n) pauses and looks down. She gets into her thoughts. Thinking about everything before speaking.
(Y/n): Goodbye Chris.
(Y/n) walks out, leaving Chris frowning in sadness and disappointment. Chris walks back to his cell, escorted by a police officer. As he walks, he thinks about how much pain he caused. Having only three more months is hard, but that's where his life is at right now.
Going to where (Y/n) is and time passing to a month later. (Y/n) had just gotten back from work but had to send her son to her parents. That visit got her thinking and from their relationship, her and Chris.... let's just say, she still loves him as much as he loves her. He was the one who made her special and never saw her as a black stereotype. He saw her as a goddess that needed a god who could appreciate and love her to death. A golden white boy choosing an ordinary black girl. But he also failed to make a living legally.
Few days later, (Y/n) comes back to see Chris. She sits where she was the last time. Just sitting there looking at the empty chair that her lover will sit in.
Shortly after sitting down, here comes Chris. He walks in and sits down in the chair across from (Y/n).
Chris: Hi.
(Y/n): Hi.
Chris: How are you?
(Y/n): Tired.
Chris: Me too.
Awkward silence fills in the room as they both look at each other.
Chris: Listen (Y/n). I'm so sorry for putting you and JJ in this.
(Y/n): Stop. Stop saying sorry. What you've done isn't sorry worthy. You're lucky I'm willing to give you another chance.
Chris's eyes light up.
Chris: I- I got another chance?
(Y/n): Yes. But that's if you find a real job when you get out and help raise our son. He needs his dad more than anything now that he's growing.
Chris: I promise I will.
(Y/n): But for us. You and me. We're gonna take things slow and hopefully, we'll be where we left off.
Chris: You know damn well we'll get farther than that. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.
(Y/n): Well first, you have to get out of jail and do what I said.
Chris: I will.

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