Ch.33|Doctor Jamilah

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Aunty Sumayas house is big, just as big as my house back in Nigeria, well Hussain's house.

Today I spent the whole day out with Aaliyah. She took me for my doctors appointment and I decided to go through with the hysterectomy. It means no more babies for me and that's so frustrating. But some people don't get any babies so if Allah gives me this one I should be grateful.

The doctor told me my condition wasn't properly treated in Nigeria and my pregnancy will be very risky. I made her promise that if a life has to be on the line it should be mine.

*Flashback to doctors appointment*

"We will try our best miss Ayeesha but I can't promise that both you and your baby will come out alive and healthy it's not something you want to hear I know but you need to know" Mrs. Jamilah the doctor said to me.

"If a life must be lost it should be mine" I paused as tears rolled down my cheeks and Aaliyah held my hand. " please let my baby live please I beg you doctor."

"It is usually the baby we let go. But if you don't mind me asking where's your husband his consent would be needed" The doctor asked looking at me with concern.

"I'm a single parent at the moment" was all I Said and I heard Aaliyah's quiet gasp.

"I'm so sorry about that" she got up to hug me and I shook my head, but she hugged despite.

"It's okay but I've told you what I want" she nodded quietly.

"I have one daughter and I almost died at child birth the same problem with you actually and in my case I had an abusive husband so I ran away. I had my baby here and later got married again so trust me darling I understand. I also asked for my baby's life over mine but who will take care of that child if you die sweetheart think about it but I and my doctors will do everything in our power to make sure you both survive " Jamilah told me.

We exchanged numbers and I left with Aaliyah.

*End of flashback*

The doctor and I basically ended our appointment as friends. After that I went shopping with Aaliyah for the baby. Since I didn't know the gender yet I bought white; brown, red, sky blue, and a few purple things.

After shopping we went to a restaurant and ate. I was so hungry Aaliyah kept laughing at me but I didn't care, Mama's gotta eat. Now were sitting in her room just her and I talking.

"Kina jin Hausa ( do you hear/ speak  Hausa)." I asked her and she burst out laughing.

"Eh mana ya bazan ji ba( yes now why won't I hear) you ma you are too funny" she said her thick British accent suddenly sounding so Nigerian made me laugh also.

"Ah toh I just had to ask don na gan bamu yi wani magana ah Hausa yau Kuma ( because i noticed we didn't talk in hausa today and) I'm used to my Hausa coming in a lot" I told her.

"Oh ok na ji dadi da kina nan(I'm happy that your here) because honestly mama hardly speaks and I only speak once in a while when I'm on the phone with relatives but now I have someone to speak with" she winked at me.

"Tomorrow let's go and buy you mommy clothes ok" Aaliyah beamed at me, I can see she likes shopping.

"What's mommy clothes please" I laughed.

"Damn I love your laugh and your so fine Ya Allah MashaAllah" she stared at me and I chuckled then she continued. " so mommy clothes is like big long dresses, maternity clothes you know and then like exercise clothes so when you have your baby you can loose your baby weight if you want"

"Oooh ok and of course I want to loose my baby weight"

"Oshey so you can be showing your sexy curves"

"Trust me baby" I flipped my hair and we laughed.

"I will throw all your clothes and buy you those long hijabs and nikabs that's what you will wear see your head"

"Abeg oh" we started laughing. Then we were quiet for a bit and I remembered what she said earlier.

"Say na maternity clothes" I Said and we started laughing again.

We stayed in her room and just gossiped about the family till we were called downstairs to get food to eat.

"So Ayeesha I hope my daughter has treated you well these past few days that you've been here?" Aunty Sumaya asked as we were eating, but Aaliyah spoke before I did.

"Ayeesha I hope mama over here has been nice to you these past couple of days" she smirked and we all chuckled.

"You've both been very welcoming to me Alhamdulillah I can't thank you enough JazakAllah khair" I smiled.

"Alhamdulillah" they both said smiling at me.

"So how was the doctors appointment?" Aunty Sumaya asked.

"I decided to go through with the hysterectomy and I told her that if a life must be lost it should be mine."

"Allah sarki my baby you've been through a lot Allah ya miki albarka. when is the baby due?

"In less than 8 weeks InshaAllah"

"Oh that's nice. Was the doctor friendly to you cause Jamilah is a bit stiff" I was surprised she said that because the woman I met was down to earth and lovely.

"She was very nice and she's been through the same thing as me so she was also quite understanding"

"That's great MashaAllah" she smiled.

"So now can we move on back to the fact this sauce today has too much salt ha'an What is this" Aaliyah said and I laughed.

"I told him that the salt was too much but he didn't listen sorry ladies" Aunty Sumaya said.

"Haba aunty it's ok" I told her.

After we talked a bit more and ate I retired to my room. On my way to my room I stopped and went to Aaliyah's room.

"Any problem?" she quickly asked.

"No haba just not that sleepy" I replied.

"Oh ok me too come you can stay in my room tonight ma if you don't mind"

"That will be fun" since I was already wearing my hijab that's all I needed anyway.

"Yay" she squealed making me laugh.

"Where's your father?" It suddenly occurred to me that I haven't seen him.

"Umm him and mama are divorced so he stays with his second wife but I go to visit him we can go together on Sunday if you don't mind"

"Oh My Allah yeah I won't mind it's been 5 years since I saw uncle sarki"

"Toh we'll go together" I was really wondering why mama never told me. Nobody told me!

"Ayeesha how many years have you been married to Hussain"

"Only 2 it'll be 3 in 2 months time" I smiled thinking back to our wedding.

"Wow "

We talked a lot more that night. I told her why I ran from Hussain, I told her everything. She told me why she hasn't married. She was engaged twice, the first time the man abused her and secondly two days before her marriage the man was shot. she had been through a lot we all had but I learnt that people were great at their hiding pain.

I hope yall like this chapter!!
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I love you guys mutuwa🎀


~AishaWK21 🌸

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