Ch.8|Everyone fights

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"Do you want to eat" I asked Hussain and he shook his head and went upstairs. I really wonder whats wrong. I put the food in the fridge and went to our room. I changed and wore my hijab its time to pray.

"Come lets pray" I said to Hussain.

" I already prayed" he said and shrugged not looking at me at all. He was just focused on his laptop.

" you prayed without me?"

"Just pray" he said firmly and turned back to what he was doing.

Oh Allah what did I do to him? Please help me to be a good wife in this time. Help him to be at peace. I prayed and recited my Qur'an. I got up and laid down picking up my phone. I wanted to talk to Hanifa but I need to know whats wrong with Hussain.

" Hussain please can you tell me what's bothering you or if I've done something wrong."

"Can't you just sleep and leave me alone just let me be Dan Allah" He shouted.

"I'm just concerned is that wrong?" I said firmly looking at him.

"Don't give me that tone bullshit"

"I'm sorry"

"Don't disturb me please how many times must I tell you" he seethed. My eyes were filled with tears that were ready to spill at any moment. Dumb period hormones! He has just upset me what kind of Man raises his voice to a woman like that for no reason. He doesn't want me to disturb him and I don't want to be near him now.

I took my mat, phone, hijab, charger, and my clothes for tomorrow. I picked my emergency toilet bag and left the room.

I went to my room and I just sat down willing myself not to cry and make a big deal out of this. I called Hanifa and told her everything.

"Yi hakuri don't cry just pray and give him some space. You mustn't talk to him tomorrow but make his breakfast, greet him, and do your wife like duties you hear before you now shout at him as well" Hanifa advised.

"Ok Hanny thank you so much sorry for waking you"I said cleaning my face.

"Anything for you We'll talk tomorrow"

"Bye Allah hafiz"

"Allah hafiz"

I felt better and I prayed. After praying I slept. I woke up and prayed fajr after fajr I did a bit of cleaning and started on break fast. By 7:40 he came down and I greeted him and he nodded in response, he picked up god coffee and sat in the living room. I felt my heart clench we always have breakfast together in the kitchen or dining room.

I went to get ready for work. I wore a long fitted blue dress. It was kind of off shoulder but not totally. I wore my heels and did my makeup. I picked up my bag and scarf and car keys.

"I'm going to work" I told Hussain.

"Please dress decently your married" He said. There's nothing indecent about what I'm wearing.

"When my husband starts behaving like a proper husband maybe I'll know that I'm married" I said and he looked at me shocked as I walked out of the house with my head high. Maybe that was unnecessary but I am upset he can't answer my greeting but he's telling me what to wear.


I was shocked at the words that came out of her mouth I wasn't expecting it. I wanted to be upset about her talking to me that way but I guess I deserved it. Yesterday while we were at her parents I got a message saying I lost one of my closest friends and I just don't know how to feel or react. If there was anyone that would make me feel better it's Ayeesha but now I've pushed her away.

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