Chapter nine: Meeting the corpses

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I don't like climbing or falling but sadly in this dream, I had to do both. "C'mon, this way," she said, getting ready to go down a laundry chute. "Just think of it as a slide with a really big drop at the end!" Yeah, like that's supposed to make me feel better . "Listen, sweetie, I don't really like slides-" "Well how about roller coasters?" She asked with pleading puppy dog eyes. "I'm not a fan of those either..." Aleia made a pouting face and I felt bad... Just for a second though. I had to remind myself that this was just a dream and that I shouldn't feel pity for this girl, tiny, human thing. "Isn't there another way down?" "But this way is faster." "So there is another way?" I thought there was hope for me, guess who was wrong. "Let's go this way-" She started letting go of the sides. "Aleia don't." "Too late, weeeeee!" She slid down the chute and I followed soon after, not wanting the child to get hurt. I landed on a pile f sheets and pillows, dusted myself off then went to go join Aleia at the at the other end of the room. I could tell it was her because of the white floral dress she was wearing and her short blond hair bob cut. She was now holding a flashlight that illuminated her clear blue eyes. "Hurry, they're waiting for us." She said, pulling on my sleeve. "Where are we?" I asked, "And what's that smell?" The little girl looked around and so did I. "Oh you mean that?" She shone the light on the pile of blankets and stuff we first landed on. They were bloodied but dry and full of bad news. I ignored my fear and suspicions that I'll be next and moved forward, falling in step behind the girl as we climbed up a ladder and into a sewer like hole in the wall. We crawled through the long dark hole and reached the other side. What I saw was not what I was expecting... It consisted of two humans -quite alive and in agony might I add- one male and the other female. They were bloodied but clothed and were chained to a wall like animals. "Help us!" The woman screamed, "Run!" Said the man. I didn't obey either. I simply looked at the girl now standing beside me and she said "These are my parents, this is where they stay. It's not a perfect home and I sometimes forget to feed them but that's okay. After all, this is the life they chose." She grinned deviously as her blue eyes met mine and turned white, crying with blood. She handed me a knife as her voice turned demonic as she screamed "KILL THEM!" I lurched forward with the knife in my hand that she gave to me and stabbed the man, over and over again until his body stopped moving and his horrific screams came to an end. I stood in a pile of someone else's blood- and it felt great! The woman would not stop screaming, and that really annoyed me. So with the same knife I used to stab the man, I clenched it tightly and slit her throat with ease. The warm liquid gushed out and landed on my face. The little girl approached me, giggling and resting a hand on my left shoulder. "Hehe, that was impressive. I didn't think you would actually do it! You could be quite useful to me you know? Why don't you join me and we could-" "No thanks, it was a onetime thing." I say brushing her off and starting to walk away. She charges at me and just as she is about to take me down, I wake up.

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