Chapter three: Learning

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The cloak was removed from my head and I blinked my eyes rapidly to adjust to the sudden darkness after being in the light. I was outside and the stars were out, the sky was beautiful. I looked at what was in front of me and saw those rusty old metal gates again just across the street I was standing on the other side of. Checking both ways before crossing, I ran across the road until stopping at the entrance of the abandoned cemetery. The nameless graves remained but the dead hanging bodies were nowhere to be found. At least it made the situation a little less creepy. Then I thought ~Wait, what if this is a dream, all I have to do is wake up.~ I pinched myself thinking it would help and I wouldn't feel anything, but it hurt and I wasn't waking up in my bedroom. "Welp, this is real. So that means there is a high chance I'm gonna die." I pushed the gates open and stepped onto the moist soil as the smell of mud and wet moss filled my lungs. I took a couple steps forward and observe my surroundings. The gates close behind me, creaking loudly and locking themselves with a long rusty chain. "Aaaaand now I'm trapped, can this be any more cliché?" I asked myself. Right then, a wolf howled and I heard leaves being crushed by the weight of a human body, once again, behind me. I continue walking forward and ignore the footsteps for a good five minutes before I get annoyed. Turning quickly on my heals, I come face to face with the same man... Creature... Weird demon thing again only this time, instead of wearing all black like earlier, he was in the same suit as when we had first met with the exception of the colour being dark blue- well, navy blue. His face was much clearer and his red eyes had faded into a crystal blue. He had short brown hair and was taller than me- I'm 5'3 by the way. I'm guessing he was like 6'2? His tall figure leans over me like I'm nothing more than a child. His long bangs fall over his shimmering eyes and he smiles down at me. For once he looks... Normal. "Wait, why does everything seem... Normal?" I said, speaking my mind. "Haha! Your situation is anything BUT normal." "What do you mean?" I asked confused. "Well you see, it's a miracle I haven't killed you yet, but something about your aura attracts me to you..." He paused briefly then continued to explain, "There is so much you can learn about someone by standing and observing them for no more than a few minutes. You see Conner, you are a very special girl. You can do things that no other creature nor human can do." I gave him a confused look. He leaned in closer and whispered in my ear, "You have the power to open The Gates."

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