UNI was the same old boring routine, a few paps who didn’t already given up on me answering them tried to push some answers to their questions about Zayn or the engagement but as usual I pretended that they weren’t talking to me. Then we attended our courses till the first gap we had which was at midday.

  “I can’t believe how rude professor Williams was today.” Kaliq said as he joined the group and a tall, Arab looking guy following him.

“Who is this?” Waliyha asked.

“What did he do?” Bella asked.

“He assigned me to do my final project with Seif.” He leaned his head pointing at the guy who was following him and the guy automatically blushed when all of our attention was on him.

“So? What’s the problem with that?” Waliyha asked while Bella just eyed the boy up and down.

“Hey.” I whispered, waving to him with a little smile as I saw how uncomfortable he stood while everyone was talking about him like he wasn’t there.

He returned the gesture politely but still looked very uncomfortable. You couldn’t really blame him with the way Bella was looking at him like he was some eye candy.

“Are you serious? He’s like Mr. Williams favorite.” Kaliq rolled his eyes and we all ‘Ah’ed’ after that little explanations.

Mr. Williams never liked anyone in our group. He was literally out to make our life a living hell, so for him to like someone and actually favor him, that meant the boy was annoying as hell.

“Okay, but why is he here then?” Waliyha broke the awkward silent.

“I have no idea.” Kaliq   rolled his eyes.

“We need to come up with ideas for the project.” Seif, I think that was his name, said quietly.

“Not now. I’m not in the mood.” Kaliq was being too rude, if I may say so myself. I kind of felt bad for the lad.

“Look, you are not exactly my favorite person either but I need an A so are we going to work on this project or what?” Seif was suddenly not so polite. I think he might even tried to raise his voice but ended up failing. It looked cute either ways.

“What.” Kaliq gave him a sarcastic smile.

“Kaliq, you are being too rude.” I interrupted their conversation as I felt bad for the guy.

“If you care so much why don’t you two partner up and I can actually work with someone I can tolerate?”  Kaliq snapped. Even though I didn’t appreciate his tone but the idea wasn’t too bad.

“You know what, if Mr. Williams agree to let us swap partners then I will.” I agreed looking at Seif who didn’t seem to mind the idea.

“Deal, I’ll ask him tomorrow.” Kaliq beamed like a little kid in a candy store. 


Finally home. The rest of the classes literally dragged on today so when I finally went home, I felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my back and I could just relax.

Yeah, I had tons of assignments to do but their deadlines weren’t till next week so I could worry about them later.

Heating up some of yesterday’s leftovers, I felt a vibration in my pocket so I fished for my phone. It was my mom’s number so I answered.

“Hey mom.” I said happily. She was the person I was meaning to talk to since yesterday but I just got a little distracted with school.

“Hey baby, how are you?” Mom said in her always sweet voice.

“I’m good. How are you and Nadia and dad?” I stressed on ‘Dad’ because he was the one I wanted to talk about the most.

“Everyone is good. We miss you babe. If you don’t have too much studying this weekend why don’t you and your friends come over?” Mom asked with a hopeful voice.

“I’ll ask them and see. Anyways, I talked to Tasneem the other day.” I trailed off maybe mom could see what I wanted to ask but all I got back was an ‘okay’.

“She told me what dad said to her dad.” I continued.

“About what?” Did she really not know about how dad felt about Zayn?

“About my engagement, mom. About Zayn.” I said a little impatient.


“So you do know. Why didn’t you tell me anything?” I was getting a little mad but tried my best not to show it.

“Well, it’s not really important baby. Your father is just angry that he wasn’t there when the boy proposed which is irrational because Zayn told me that it was spontaneous and he even tried to call your dad but your dad didn’t pick up on time.” Mom explained.

“You make it sound like it’s not a big deal when it is. Tasneem told me what he told her dad and he seemed pissed.” I sighed in an annoyed way.

“I can handle your dad. Don’t worry.” My mom assured but my heart knew better than to be totally relaxed about this.

My dad was one of the most stubborn people I had ever come across and from what I gathered he seemed pretty upset about this thing but maybe could help. After all even though my dad may have a hard and tough exterior but to my mom he was a total teddy bear.

 “Okay, so I don’t have to tell anything to Zayn?” I asked a little hesitant but relieved at the same time.

“Yeah, don’t worry about it. Just tell me how are you and Zayn?” She changed the subject and to be honest, I didn’t mind so I decided to go with it.

 “Good, I guess. I just miss him so much.” I sighed thinking about him.

“It hasn’t even been a week Maggie.” Mom teased sweetly making me roll my eyes.

“Thank you for reminding me that I still have three more weeks like this.” I said aggravated.

“Aw, young love. You are too cute Maggie.” My mom cooed making me annoyed.

“Stop it mother,” I rolled my eyes but then I heard a ‘peep’ sound, “Mom, I have to go. I have another call.”

“Okay baby. Love you.” She said quickly before I hanged up with her to take my other call. It was probably Zayn.

“Hello?” I answered too eagerly.

“Hey, Maggie?” I heard a familiar voice that I wasn’t expecting.

“I need your help.”




Okay you guys are probably going to kill me and I don’t blame you. it’s a boring one but I have purpose of it.. or at least I hope it comes out like I planned. It never does ._.

All Of Me - (Islamic fiction, Z.M. Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now