Taehyungs smile grew wider as he slid off the desk, placing his hand on Yoongi's back, patting it harshly.

''Apology accepted,'' he said.

Yoongi felt his frown turn into a smile as he ruffled Taehyungs hair in a playful manner. ''Good.''

''So, what caused you to apologise?'' he asked.

Yoongi's body tensed as he remembered the events of the previous day.

''Uh, I visited Yoora and she told me everything,'' he admitted.

Taehyung's expression showed no emotion as his smile fell. Taking his hand away from Yoongi's back, he felt something tug at his heart.

He wasn't stupid, he noticed the way Yoora looked at Yoongi and vice versa, they were clearly head over heels for each other, but both were stubborn and in denial. It was really obvious, even for Taehyung.

''I see,'' he muttered.

An awkward silence filled the room, neither of them saying a word. They were both lost in thought, in completely different worlds.

Yoongi decided to break the silence by saying goodbye to Taehyung as he had to get to class, who simply nodded in acknowledgment, watching the older male leave him all alone in the classroom.

He looked at the chalkboard with a blank gaze, his lips slightly parted, a single bead of sweat traveling down his forehead.

''Why can't you like me back, Yoora?'' he muttered under his breath.


Yoora skipped lunch, heading for the rooftop instead of the cafeteria where the boys would sit at their usual table, laughter and food being thrown around she found herself slowly beginning to belong there. But she felt the need to be alone, not only because of the fear of facing Yoongi after accidentally falling asleep on him, but because of the fear of everyone interrogating her.

She was sick of being asked the same questions over and over again, making her want to gag.

She kicked open the door to the rooftop, not caring if anyone was around to hear the loud impact the sole of her shoe made against the metal door.

She smiled as the cool air hit her face, making her way closer to the railing, she couldn't help but recall her fight with Jisoo. She pictured herself rolling around the floor with Jisoo on top of her, until she pushed her down and straddled her instead. She could vividly remember the moment when she broke Jisoo's nose, the impact of her blow creating a sickengly satisfactory sound.

She grinned to herself as she leaned over the railing, her head hanging over the metal bars, her gaze focused on the ground beneath her.

The rooftop was located on the 3rd floor, so it wasn't too high, but high enough to send her heart racing as she kept her eyes glued to the ground.

Her thoughts wandered to the mysterious stalker. Weirdly enough, he hasn't contacted her in over 24 hours, no creepy text messages, no calls, no more letters. It was quiet, too quiet.
Who knew, maybe he was planning something? Maybe it was just the calm before the storm.

Yoora looked up at the sky, studying the clouds that shielded her eyes from the blinding sun.

One of the clouds resembled a slice of cake, causing her to nearly drool. Another cloud reminded her of a ice cream cone. She continued to list all the food that came into her head as she shifted her gaze from one cloud to another, until her eyes landed on a specific cloud.

It reminded her of Yoongi's hair. It strangely resembled the shape of his messy, jet black hair, standing up in all places and looking extremely soft and fluffy. She had always been curious about the texture of his hair, she's always wanted to touch it, to-

She stopped herself, feeling slightly flustered at how carried away she got when thinking of Yoongi.

''He's just a stupid pervert,'' she muttered under her breath, tapping her fingers against the cold steel bars.

''Who's just a stupid pervert?'' Yoora heard a voice whisper behind her.

She flinched, feeling her heart nearly jump out of her chest, she turned around, only to be met by Jisoo - whose face was only a few centimetres away from hers. Her chestnut coloured hair was let loose, falling against her shoulders in waves, her empty eyes staring right into hers, her lipstick covered lips were the most distinguishable feature of on face. She smiled sweetly at Yoora, who wore a horrified expression on her face.

''What the hell are you doing here?'' Yoora hissed, her eyes darkening at the sight of a smirking Jisoo.

''Yoongi oppa asked me to come back, so I did,'' she started, licking her plump lips as her eyes suddenly flickered with passion. ''I think he finally realised he has feelings for me.''

Yoora glared at her in disbelief.

''Like I'd believe that bullshit,'' she snapped, crossing her arms over her chest.

Jisoo whipped out her phone and tapped away at her screen before showing it to Yoora. ''Here's proof, darling.''

Yoora peered at the phone screen, the sight leaving her with a heavy heart.

Yoongioppa: hey, i miss you. im sorry for threatening you, can you come back? I promise I'll be good to you this time.

Yoora forced herself to look away from the phone, Jisoo put it back into her pocket and found herself smiling with satisfaction.

''See? I think he might like me, oh my, what should I do? Should I confess first or should I wait? I'm so nervous!'' she rambled as she placed her hands on both of her flushed cheeks, swaying her hips in the process.

Yoora felt her heart weigh her down as she glanced at her clenched fists, her knuckles close to turning white from the pressure. She bit her lip as confusion and anger swept over her. Why was she so angry?

She felt every part of her body hurt, her heart was aching, her head throbbing, her soul crying in pain.

She found herself at a complete loss for words. No expression, word or action could express the pain she felt, even in her bones.

''Good for you,'' she spat as she walked past Jisoo, her shoulder harshly bumping into hers on the way.

Jisoo twisted her body so she watched as Yoora's silhouette walked painfully slowly to the door, finally disappearing behind the metal door.

''You don't deserve him, you bitch. "


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