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Yoora's eyes fluttered open, the bright light illuminating from the window temporarily blinded her. She rubbed her eyes and took in her surroundings. She was laying on the sofa in the living room with her hello kitty blanket draped over her.

She glanced at the clock on the wall and panicked when she realised it was morning, the last thing she remembered was Yoongi leaning against her shoulder. ''Fuck, I must've fallen asleep,'' she thought as she couldn't collect her thoughts.

She stretched her legs before getting up, grabbing some clothes and hopping into the shower, letting the hot water soak into her skin, relaxing her.

After she freshened up, she checked her phone only to notice the lack of notifications. Frowning, she brought her hands up to the towel on her head, ruffling it against her wet hair trying her best to dry it.

''Morning,'' she heard a mumble behind her. Turning around, she faced her best friend, standing by the sofa still in her pastel pink pyjamas with her sleeping mask pulled up on her head, revealing her rather big forehead.

''Morning,'' Yoora said, taking the towel off her head, letting her wet, black hair fall behind her, causing the back of her shirt to turn slightly damp.

''You sure slept for ages, around 16 hours to be precise,'' Minji said with a chuckle.

Yoora sighed as she ran a hairbrush through her hair.

''Why didn't you wake me up?'' she asked.

Minji smirked at her. ''Well, you looked so cute when snuggled against Yoongi on the couch,'' she replied, in a teasingly manner.

Yoora hid her eyes behind her bangs as her hand holding the hairbrush fell lifelessly by her side, an astonished look on her face.

''You're kidding me, we f-fell asleep on the same couch?'' she exclaimed, feeling her cheeks flush with shame and her eyebrows twitch in mortification.

Minji moved closer to her, cupping her cheeks with her hands and playfully booping her nose with her index finger.

''Yes, and I have to say, you guys looked so cute, I didn't have the heart to wake you,'' she said with a grin, teasing Yoora about her red cheeks as she poked them, making Yoora grunt in annoyance.

''What about Yoongi?" Yoora asked as she glanced at the unoccupied sofa.

"Ah, he woke up a few hours after I came home and bolted out the door, as if he had just seen a ghost,'' Minji answered as she recalled the event from the day before.

Yoora raised her eyebrow at her questionably.

Minji put her hands up in the air, ''I know nothin'. "

Yoora sighed as she went to make breakfast before going to school.


''Taehyung, can we talk?'' Yoongi said softly as he lightly tapped on his shoulder in the rowdy corridor filled with annoyingly loud students.

Taehyung turned around and smiled gently at the boy, noticing the red colour decorating his cheeks.

''Sure,'' he said as he closed his locker and followed Yoongi into a nearby classroom. He shut the door and faced Taehyung who was sitting on one of the desks, his hands holding his upper body up as he placed them on the desk on either side of his body.

Yoongi swallowed the lump in his throat as he moved closer to his friend, staring at him with a serious expression.

''Uh, I just wanted to say,'' he started as he looked around the room for a distraction, anything at all. His gaze focused on a book laying on the floor, a few pages lying beside it, all ripped up. His eyes didn't leave the book as he continued, ''I'm sorry for yesterday. I attacked you, which was totally wrong of me. I just didn't believe you, but I realise It was stupid of me.''

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