"I'm just lucky I have thick hair," I muttered, rubbing my eyes. "Fuck my life. Whatever."

Satisfied, I slid the Velcro sandals on and made my way back into the room.

Tiffany, of course, burst into laughter at the sight of my appearance.

"Oh, wow!" she gasped, cackling like a madwoman. "Bash's clothing is way too big for you!"

"See? I told you some of Jun's things would work better," Leo sighed, casting the Italian an amused grin over his shoulder, "but did you want to listen? Nope."

"I actually think it suits him," Sebastian stoically rumbled, and both werewolves promptly fell silent, staring at him blankly; his sharp amber eyes flitted up and down, taking in my appearance with something that looked like approval. "At the very least people might realize he's a man."

"Are you high?" Tiffany scoffed, running a hand through her hair. "Women have flat chests, too, Bash! And its not even his figure that makes him look like a girl, its his face."

"I second that," Leo chuckled, rolling his eyes. "Plus, you have to remember that his hair comes into play with that, too. You'd be very hard pressed to find even a girl with length like that."

"Can we not talk about my looks?" I sleepily complained. "If we're going to do this, let's just go."

It made me uncomfortable because they were absolutely correct, and I didn't know how to handle it, so I wouldn't.

Nobody could blame me for being a weenie, though.

"Yeah, you're right," Tiffany sighed, waving me along. "Come on. The cab will be here soon."

I followed her out the door, keeping my eyes on the floor; as I passed Sebastian, I felt something brush against my shoulder, but I didn't look up and I didn't stop to see what. One step at a time, I made my way down the hall, wondering what this was going to be like and feel like.

To be honest, I needed some major cheering up as well, because... well, you know.

I did my best to avoid thinking about it, and I probably would have managed if I hadn't rounded the corner behind Tiffany and come face to face with Richard himself. The blonde woman stopped in her tracks and a bracelet-clad arm with a perfectly manicured hand barred me from going any further.

"Dick, what are you doing here?" she asked, gently pushing me behind her. "I thought you--"

"I finished early," the bald man said in a low, threatening tone. "Don't underestimate my skills."

"Oh," she murmured. "That's good news! Still, for everyone's sake, listen to your orders. I think you should start trying to keep an open mind from here on out, okay?"

"Oh, I will," Richard said slyly, swaggering forward; Tiffany tensed, but I didn't even look up as he stopped right beside me. "You don't need to worry, Tiff... I won't do anything to him. After all, the look I got out of the little vampire when I burned all his precious books was priceless to me."

My heart squeezed and my eyes immediately blurred over with tears, but he was already gone.

Walking away.

The level of hate that welled up from the core of my being was unlike anything I'd ever felt, even during the moment I'd lost my temper and gone after Sebastian with a knife. He'd ripped the last connection I had to my family away from me, and was smug about it. I wanted to turn around and be the one to attack him this time, so... I did.

I snapped.

I turned around, hair fanning out around my shoulders, and started walking after him.

Every part of me was burning, but I kept my head lowered, red-hazed eyes fixed on the back of his neck. I was going to bite him. I was going to make him pay, tear into his neck and hear him scream no matter the cost, and I was going to enjoy it. I had nothing left to lose.

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