Chapter 9 (Kiss The Pain Away)

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 A/N: So I know you guys have been waiting to seem some action. Sorry if you see any mistakes that's why it says UNEDITED. Enjoy :)

Dedicated to my best friend for being awesome!!!


Chapter 9

Kiss The Pain Away

"Come on Chris! It won't be that bad." Vanessa said tugging on my arm. 

We were outside the school and I refuse to go in. I knew Lance and if you mess with him then you just planned your own funeral. I just knew everybody will be staring and whisphering.

"No please don't make me go in there V." I whined as I held on to the phone pole as if my life depended on it. I saw students and teachers give me strange looks as they walked in to the school. 

"Come on Chris! You're making a scene." she hissed in my ear in embarrassment. 

I groaned and let go of the pole. "I can't believe I'm doing this." I said as she dragged me in the school. We walked up the second floor where our locker was. I looked around the hallways and stopped in shock. Everybody was going about there business like normal. No laughing. No whispering. No nothing. 

I looked at Vanessa and she was as shocked as I was. "Maybe they forgot," she suggested. 

"Yeah maybe," I said. We continued to walk to my locker and I saw D'Angelo leaning against it with his eyes closed. It looked as if he was in deep thought. 

We walked over to my locker and I stood in front of him. "Um, D'Angelo?" 

He opened one eye and smiled at me. His smile was one of those smiles that made you want to smile. He picked his body up from my locker and let me get to it. I put in my combanation and put my bag and things I didn't need inside. 

I closed my locker shut and turned around and faced D'Angelo and a frozen Vanessa who was staring lovingly at something. I turned to what she was looking at and saw Tristian, D'Angelo's best friend, walking over to us. 

 "Wassup D?" he said to D'Angelo as he reached us and they did a fist bump. He then turned to Vanessa and smiled she smiled shyly then turned her head and blushed. 

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