Meeting the family

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////This one will be fluff and cuteness. Derek's mum and dad are alive and he has 5 sisters (Amy, Jemma, Alex, Izzy and Becca) and three brothers (Jesse, Daniel and Ethan). Stiles is meeting the family for the first time. Derek is 22 here and Stiles is 21/////

Let the story begin 

(Stiles point of view)

Derek and I lay in his bed at his one bedroom flat it is around midnight but I am wide awake why you ask. Well good question because I am meeting his whole family tomorrow he has 8 siblings nope you didn't read wrong 8 and his parents I can't do that and they are werewolves. So I better get their approve or they could rip me apart with they claw and teeth I don't want that I want to live

"Stiles will you come down. You will be fine" He says trying to come me down 

"Come down? How can I when I am meeting your whole family in less than 12 hours"

"Because they will love you, you have to trust me okay?"

"Okay but if they hate me and kill me I am coming back to haunt you" I said taking a breath 

"Okay Stiles can we sleep now I am very tried"

"Right yes I am sorry" I lye down next to Derek and he puts his arm over my bare torso and pulls me closer "Good night" I give him a kiss after he says it back 

"How do I look?" I say coming out of the bathroom. I am wearing black jeans, white t-shirt, black leather jacket, combat boots and sunglasses with my hair just messing 

"Spooking hot" He said pulling me by my jeans loops in between his laps as he sat on the bench. He kisses me and slowly he gets a little heated as he swiped his tongue over my bottom lip but before it gets to far I push him back 

"We better stop now before this goes any further"


"No buts I am meeting your family today I don't want to be late" He let out a noise showing that he is annoyed but got off the bench and we hoped in my jeep

We held hands the whole time the trip was about 45 minutes so we just talked laughed and played some music.

"Holy lee shit Derek this house it huge" (The house is Derek's house from the TV show just add a story and a pool plus it isn't burnt down of course ha-ha)

"We have a big family need a big house"

"Yeah come on" I just smile and hope out and the second I do everyone comes out. I go wide eyes but Derek just wakes ahead. I have meet his mother once we bumped into at the store and we got along straight away so hopefully it will it will be like that with everyone. His mother is the first one to come up to me and I felt much better. 

"Hello Stiles" She says giving me a kiss on the cheek and a hug

"Hi, how are you?" I say letting go back she looped her arm with me

"I'm well thanks yourself?"

"Nervous as hell" I chuckle, and she joins but stop away from where everyone is about 30 metres away "I'll let you on a secret"


"You are Derek's mate. Werewolves only have one everyone here has to accept you"

"Oh okay that helps thank you"

"No worries" I was going to say more but everyone come over 

"Oh his HOT. Nice chose" One of his sisters say making me go wide eye 

"Jem serious" Derek says shaking his head "Anyway Stiles these are my sisters   Amy, Jemma, Alex, Izzy and Becca. My brothers Jesse, Daniel and Ethan and this is my father Patrick. Everyone this is Stiles" I shook everyone hands or hug them I felt more comfortable around them now

"So now that everyone has send Hi let's eat" They mum said. Everyone but Derek run towards the house pulling each other out of the way to get in first

I turn around to Derek "They do know that no matter who goes first they will all get food"

"6 of them are teenagers they do nothing but fight and eat you will get use to that" We walk in the house "I was nothing like them with I was a teenager I was an angel" 

"I didn't have to meet you them because I know you would have been a devil" I smirk 

"I like him" Ethan laughs at what I said 

"Of course you do what is there not to like about me" I smirk sitting down between him and Derek. I hear a laugh across the table I look up to see Alex 

"Yeap you will fit just fine in this family" I smile and look at Derek 

"I hope so" He nodded and kissed me 

"NOT AT THE TABLE I DON'T WANT TO SEE THAT" Jesse yelled protecting to be grossed out 

"And how many times have I seen you and your girlfriend stick your tongues down each others throat" He says cheeky 

"Oh shut up" He said throwing some kind of food at him 

"BOYS stop or no lunch" His dad said sternly making them both stop in their tracks as I tried not to laugh

I have no idea why I was so nervous for I am going to be just fine in this family well with Derek beside me I can do anything 

////I hope you enjoyed this one shot//// 

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