I....we will always love

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////Sadness and fluff-if you get triggered but getting rejected for being gay skip this one////

Background :-: Derek's mum, dad and siblings are alive in this. Derek is a werewolf, Stiles isn't but he is Derek's mate  
Let the story begin

(Stiles point of view)

I can do this they are my family my parents they say they would love me no matter what. Wait I should probably tell you what is going on; my name is Stiles, I'm gay and coming out to my mum and dad today. I am only telling them that than if that goes well I am going to tell them I am dating Derek Hale. Nothing should go wrong because I had conversations with them before about gay people but it might be different it being their own son. Well here goes nothing

I walk into the living room where they are both just chatting

"Mum. Dad. I have something I need to tell you?" I said grabbing my leg to stop it from shaking, I wish Derek was here right now

"Okay honey what's wrong?"

"Okay just know that I am still the same person that I am a minutes ago. This doesn't make me less of a men or a person but mum dad I am gay" I said with a little nervous half smile

"You have to be joking?" My father said angrily

"I'm not I am still your son guys" I said crawling into my shell

"You son of my is a faggot" My mother said getting up and slapping me across the face

"Deal with him John" Mum said turning on her heel. My dad stood up grabbed me by my shirt slammed me into the wall my head hitting a photo frame I can feel where then glass cut me on the back of my head.

"Please dad don't" I said almost tearing up

"I'm not your dad I have no son" With that he said his fist into my stomach, ribs and across the jaw by this point my arms were screwed shut I was expecting the next hit but it never came I opened my eyes and saw the pack (Scott, Isaac, Derek, his bunch of siblings, mum and dad) Derek had his hand around my dads fist and a second later Scott helped him bring him off him than both sending hits all over his body. I fell to the ground I had my arms around my legs which was brought up to my chest I had my face in my legs that I didn't even notice when Mama Hale and Isaac were kneeling in front of me. I pulled away when one touched leg I opened my eyes, I was still crying a little bit.

"Stiles" Isaac said touching my knee again

"Hi" I said softly sniffing a little

"Mama Hale" I said "What is everyone doing here?"

"Well Derek knew you were getting hurt so we raced as fast as we could"

"Oh okay" I quickly looked over at Derek said throwing hits at my father

"Derek stop please" I said struggling getting up, Isaac ended helping me. The moment I spoke he stop so did Scott I notice

"Can we just go I don't want to even look up them"

"Of course baby I'm sorry" Derek said taking Isaacs place. Grabbing my hand and taking some of my pain

Me and Derek took his car, I sat in the front sit next to Derek now and than he would take some more pain. I see Scott and Isaac in the back talking and sharing a few soft kisses, I smile at them as I am happy two of my best friends finally admitted they liked each other

"Derek I'm okay you can stop" I say smiling, if Derek takes to much pain he might get hurt himself

"But you are still in pain"

"That's okay you took most of it"

We arrive at Derek's home a few minutes later and I walk into his house and got a cold water but jumped when I felt a hand on my shoulder

"Baby it's just me, I just wanted to tell you my siblings are back" I kissed him softly to his lips. I smile as he grabs my hand bring me into the living room as I see bags of things

"Why we were driving here my siblings were collecting your clothes and everything that isn't your furniture" At least point I was tearing up but before a tear fell I was crushed into a group hug with his 6 siblings and the pack I just ended up laughing

"Why did you guys do all this for?" I said and his sister Jesse (just go with it) answered me

"Because you are part of this pack...I...we love you" She said hugging me again

////I hope you enjoyed this small fluff////

Sterek - One shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora