You are too sweet Baby

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////The picture has nothing to do with this one shot I just thought it was cute. Hope you enjoy////

Background :-: Derek is a cop/police officer. Stiles is a full time student at a Uni he works from home with a part time job waiting tables at the local restaurant. That's how he and Derek meant derek went in there to a coffee before work.

"Hi baby I'm home" Derek yelled as he entered the front door of his and his boyfriend home. He picked up new attention of they family a baby kitten that is only a month old.

"In the bedroom honey" Derek heard Stiles call. He must be studying he thought

"How was your day?" Derek said walking in and about to hug his boyfriend when he only got a hand to his chest and pushed him away after Stiles stood up from his desk

"Good thank you but you know my one rule" Derek just smiled and nodded knowing what he means. He walked over to their cupboard moved a few clothes and unlocked his safe. He pulled his gun out his hoster, taser, handcuffs and pepper spray out and place them in the safe closing it and turning but around

"Sorry but...." Stiles said looking down

"It's okay it's fair" He said kissing him than hugging him. Stils put his hands on Dereks back but quickly pulled them away as he heard Derek hiss of pain

"Baby what's wrong?"

"Oh I got into a fight tonight and I pulled a muscle in my back it has been sore for a few hours now"

"Take off your clothes and lye on your stomach please" Stiles said walking to his desk draw

"What? I am not really in the mood for sex"

"Not sex just do it I will be back in a second" Derek did as he was told and a few second later he heard Stiles walk in than a soft down over his lower half

"Just relax okay?"

"Okay" He replied than he felt a weight on his bum and took it has Stiles was sitting on him. He weighted nothing to he didn't hurt them. Than moments latet he felt something warm being poured on his back them soft hands. He realized that Stiles was giving his a back massage. He moaned at the touch and let his body relaxing. He pyt his trust in Stiles and slowly feel alseep as did his muscles. He didn’t feel the pain anymore he didn't feel the stress in his shoulders and he didn't feel the world he felt home and love as he let the darkness slowly take over.

Derek woke up a couple of hours later feeling the soft blanket over him. He reached over to only feel coldness he blinked a few times trying to wake up properly. He dragged himself out of bed and slipped on some boxes not caring whos. He walked to the kitchen to see the most wonderful sight of all time. Stiles with headphones moving his hips to the beat on the song stirring what looks like paster

He put his hands on his boyfriends hips to feel him tense but relaxed as he knew who it was.

"Did you sleep well?" Stiled said taking out his headphones and phone placing them on the bench.
"Yes thank you so much I don't feel any pain at all and now you are making me dinner you are too sweet to me" Derek said hugging him softly

"You do so much for me I just wanted to return the favor"

"I love you so much" Derek said smiling

"I love you too" Stiles said kissing him

////I hope you enjoyed this small fluff one shot////

Sterek - One shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora