Daddy, I'm not feeling well (Part 2)

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////Fluff and family cuddles////

(Stiles's point of view)

Our poor River has been napping for 4 hours which is a long nap but he need it. I was just cuddle with Derek watching the T.V both of is where not really paying attention we were just thinking about our little baby

"Daddy? Papa?" Little River said rubbing his saw eyes

"How are you feeling baby?" I said picking him up and putting him on my chest

"My head really hurts and I am hungry and thirsty"

"I know can I pass you to Papa so I am get some things for you?"

"Yes I like Dada cuddles"

"Okay" I gave him to Derek and got a few things ready. I got his water bottle, a small sandwich, once again a wet coth and some liquid medicine. I walked back into the living room and Derek reposition him so his tiny back in up against Derek's chest. I leaned down in front of him

"Hey baby, can you drink this for me it will taste a little weird but you will feel a lot better okay?" He gave me a shy nod can Derek took the medicine from me and helping little River drinking it. He screwed up his face but drank it all

"Thank you" He said more out of being nice than meaning it

"That's okay, do you want some water?" He slowly nodded than started drinking the water

"Can I please have some of the sandwich now I am a bit hungry?"

"Of course" I handed him in sandwich and I prayed he kept it down

"Thank you" He said after he was finished than crawled back into Derek's body

Sometimes maybe the best cruel was just some family cuddles. We spent the rest of the day filled with cuddles, sleep and some T.V

////I hope you enjoy this little fluff////

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