The bite

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////This is connecting from the last one where Derek bites him. Smut////

(Derek's point of view)

"I'm so sorry Stiles" I said getting of as fast as I blink. I can't believe I just did that my biggest fear came true I should have said no than Stiles wouldn't have got bite. He just did something he knew I loved and I lost control and bite him.

He held near his collar bone tearing slightly slipping from here cheeks making me feel worse I can't believe I caused him harm. I slide my boxes on picking up the rest of my clothes not caring that he is trying to talk to me I walked out of his room to the top of the stairs

"Derek for fuck sack will you stop" He yelled walking in front of me

"I'm so sorry"

"I forgive you" He said wiping away a tear with the pad of his thumb me listening close to his heart beat "Please come back to bed sweet heart"

"You're not scared of me? You don't want to break up with me" I asked shaking

"Oh honey I could never in a million years be scared of you, you are a beautiful human bean and it wasn't your fought" He said still holing his shoulder "And you if we break up I would miss that ass to much" He smirk

"You are still horny?" I chuckled

"Well I might break up with just that reason as I was about to cum when someone went werewolfy and did this to me" He pointed to his shoulder

"Come on I will help clean that up" I said spinning him around towards our bedroom. Sitting him on the bed

"I'll be back in a minute" I left for only a couple of minutes I came back with one of those bandages for bigger worn and a damn paper clothes. I sit next to him and wipe away the dripping blood and holding it to the worn soaking up the blood before applying the pad

"I hope it will take" Stiles says signing, his heart wasn't racing it was as if nothing happened

"Oh god me too" I said while throwing up the paper cloth

"If it does you owe me a date night and sex"

"I promise I will do anything you won't"

"Okay, but right now I just want to cuddle I am a little sore" We moved so that I was spooning him. I literally kissed his shoulder blade and put my hand on his arm taking some of his pain making it easy to sleep

"Thank you" He smiled and drifted of to sleep. God I can never forgive myself if his body doesn't accept the bite I don't know how I will even breath without him

----Eight hours later---- (Third person's point of view)

Stiles woke up first to a everything being so cleaned he reached for his glasses but found it was he looked around the room he saw every piece of dust laughing to himself that he is a horrible cleaner....he smiled as he turned to a sleeping Derek he heard his normally soft snores sound loud. He smiled letting out a breath he didn't realize he was holding on. He looked at his shoulder taking off the bandage his skin was healed it heal. He can't believe it took he had to woke up Derek hopping he won't be mad he thought to himself

"Derek babe wake up" Stiles said hopping onto of him shaking his shoulder

"Please Stiles can you let me sleep" Stiles smiled knowing he forgot

"Derek is took" His eyes shoot opening remembering

"It took?" He asked running his hand over Stiles bare shoulder

"Yeah babe no more weak human I am a werewolf now" Stiles said proudly

"Baby I was so worried" Derek said tearing up, Stiles just kissed away the tear

"I know but you don't any more I am right here" Stiles said kissing over all over his face

"I love you Stiles"

"I love you too Derek" Both shared a kiss full of nothing but love and happiness. Stiles was the first one to break the kiss

"You know what this means?" Stiles smirked

"That you are a werewolf"

"No shit Sherlock also you won't have to hold back you can go as rough as you wish" Stiles said before tugging on his ear

"I guess so" Derek flipped them over both laughing

////I hope you enjoyed this one shot////

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