"Hey, Nik, I was just wondering if— OH, MY GOD!"


"Oh, my God! Oh, my God," she screamed until she flew out of the room back into the living room. I could still hear her screaming: "Oh, my God! I'm going to puke!"

I shoved Pete off of me and dusted myself off, like she had ran in on us hiding a body under the bed or something. Not only did she scare me and take us by surprise, but she saw... Ugh, never mind!

"Fucking hell," I cursed and began to put my clothes back on. "The one time that we're doing something and she decides to finally come home!"

"Just glad that she didn't see everything," he pointed out with a shrug while getting his shirt back on.

"My hand wasn't down your pants, dumbass," I snapped back and he stood there, somewhat embarrassed now. "She's going to be mentally ill for the rest of her life."

"Yeah, right," he laughed and, somehow, I had to crack a smile, too. He leaned in and kissed my forehead. "Y'all will figure it out."

With that said, I took a deep breath and headed to my door. I cracked it open and looked out, seeing her moving forward and backwards on the couch with her index fingers on her temples. Wow, she's dramatic. I thought that I was, but damn.

I walked over, slowly approaching her, and squeaked out: "B, are you okay?"

She jumped when she heard my voice and looked at me, eyes wide and being overall dramatic. "Who are you anymore?!"

"What are you talking about?" I asked and shook my head, deciding to sit down next to her. "Pete and I are adults that—"

"I don't need the talk," she cut me off and slowly shifted her body to face mine. "I know that y'all have done it, but seeing it... Oh, God, I might be sick!"

I tried to not laugh and was doing pretty good so far. "Look, not that I'm not happy that you're here and all, but... Why are you?"

"I wanted to talk to you, first of all," she countered and shook her head. "After that, I don't know if I can ever look you in the eye again. Or, Pete, for that matter, too."

"Bianca," came my warning tone and wanting to talk to my old best friend again as I tried to reconnect our eyes. "What is it that you came here to talk to me about?"

She sighed and shook her head. "Maybe I shouldn't..."

"B," came my warning tone again and, this time, it seemed to work — especially when I reconnected our eyes. "What's up?"

"It's Trevor," she sighed out and my heart somewhat dropped to my stomach. I held my breath and listened. "The other night, he told me that he loved me. By the look on his face immediately after he said it, I knew that he didn't mean it. Still, I freaked out because, c'mon, it's Trevor, who finally admitted to loving me back. It just sucks that he didn't mean it."

Obviously, I knew — from what both Johnny and Candice told me — that he didn't mean it, but I didn't have the actual heart to tell her that, though. I was her friend, after all. I was supposed to bring her up than bring her down. This is the time that I do that for her.

Burning Heart ▹ CIAMPA [COMPLETED]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя