Jade Finds Out The Secret

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Jem and Jade watched the truck back out of the driveway. Jade looked at Jem as Jem kept repeating, "this is all my fault."
"No it's not Jem. It would've happened either way."
"It is my fault Jade!!! I freaking made her my friend and put all of us in danger. She is now in more danger than ever because we angered him. This is all my fault!!"

Jem stormed off, more upset than ever. He didn't know what to do, but he had to help Macy. Who knows what could happen to her. He walked into his room and slammed the door. He dialed 911. "911 what's your emergency"

"My girlfriend was just abducted by her abusive father and she needs help."
"Sir I'm sorry but if it's her father then it's not really abducting or kidnapping. It's the father bringing his daughter home."
"But you don't understand. She self harms to rid herself the pain she's given by him."
"We'll check it out but until you know for a fact he's hurting her we can't do much about it."
"Just check it out, thank you and goodbye."

Jem realized 911 wouldn't be of much help. He had to get to Macy somehow, but if he was going to do this he would have to get Jade's help. He went into the living room to tell her his plan, but she wasn't there. Oh well, she must be in her room. Jem knocked on the door to his sister's room before nudging it open a crack. "Jade?"
"What do you want Jem?"
"We have to help Macy."

At that Jade got up from her bed and walked towards Jem. "How?? By knocking on the door and using our manners?!! If 911 isn't going to help us then it's a lost cause. She's gone Jem!!" Jade paused then whispered, "She's gone..." While Jem was taking in what his sister just told him he felt a very sharp pain in his arm. He fell to his knees. "Jem? Jem! What happened?" Jem looked at his sister, "I have something to fess up to. Macy and I are bound to each other. If she gets hurt I will to. She just cut herself Jade. That hasn't happened when she was with us. We need to get her."

Jade just looked at her brother, "What?" Jem took a deep breath trying to calm himself, "Macy cut herself. Deeper than usual.. It hurts Jade. We have to save her. If she gets hurt I will to."
"Okay, Jem. We'll get her back. Where does it hurt."
"On our wrist, she cut so deep. She's putting pressure on it though, thank God. That should stop the bleeding soon."

Jade nodded, "It should, hopefully."

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