Breakfast Smoothies

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Macy woke up to find Jem had already woken up. "Jem?" She looked in her room, then she went upstairs, and he was making breakfast smoothies. "I hope you like bananas, and strawberries."
"Both of them sound delicious."

She watched him cut the bananas, and strawberries. He looked so strong. What are you doing? Snap out of it Mace. She chuckled a little at her mental note.

"Ice or ice cream?" She checked the freezer, grabbed a pint of vanilla ice cream, and handed it to him. "I need sugar." He smirked at her. "Doesn't fruit have natural sugar?" She rolled her eyes. "You asked which I preferred, and I told you." She smirked, as if to challenge him. He stopped the blender. "Okay. Fine smart alek, you make it." All too innocently she responded, "But I don't know how to use a blender."

Mocking her innocent voice he said, "I guess I will have to teach you then." Then he smiled and said in his regular voice, "Come on." She walked over to him. All the cutting was done. He took her hands, and guided them to the right buttons. They started the blender, and with his hands on hers, they held the lid of the blender while their smoothies were being made.

Finally, the smoothies were finished. Jem distributed them, and gave her the one that looked more full. "You helped, and it was your first time."
"Thanks. For the smoothie, help, and, of course, the compliment."
"Of course, glad I could be of assistance."

They both just stood there laughing. Then they drank their smoothies. Once Macy was finished with hers, she went downstairs to get dressed, and ready for school.

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