No Breakfast?

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Macy stirred. She sat up a little ways. Where was she? She still wasn't used to the house. She remembered a little bit, then nothing. She was laying on a couch. She must've fallen asleep. Jem wasn't on the couch anymore. She looked around with a slight panic starting in her chest. Someone lightly put their arms on her shoulders. She almost screamed, but Jem said, "Good morning beautiful."

Macy playfully hit him. "You scared me half to death! First you were here, then you weren't, then you come out of nowhere!? Seriously?" Jeremy was laughing his butt off. "I'm sorry, I thought you would be okay." Macy smiled, and laughed a little too. Ugh why does laughter from someone you love have to be contagious? "I am okay. And I would've been fine. I was just worried, and surprised you had disappeared."

Jem stood up straight again, stretching. "Well do you want breakfast or what?" Macy smiled and she was hungry, but she surprised herself with saying, "No I'm fine. Thanks though. Are you going to eat?" She almost frowned with how she was obviously hungry, but didn't say so. 'Why did you say that? Wow you're dumb.' Macy's mind was immediately angry at her for saying no, but it was too late now. She said she wasn't hungry. She'd just wait until lunch.

"Are you sick?" Jem was just as concerned as she was with her saying no to food. "No, I'm fine. Are you going to eat?" She repeated her last sentence. "Um.. yeah. Just give me like half an hour to get breakfast made for Jade and me." He still seemed worried. Macy gave him a reassuring smile and headed down the hall to her room. "Okay, don't burn down the kitchen while you're at it." She smiled slightly at her own joke, but Jem was still worried for her.

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