Macy's Dad

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On the way home Macy noticed some headlights had been following them for a bit. Jem looked at her and Macy realized he has the same thoughts as her. Macy watched what looked like a truck for a few miles. They just drove back into town where there were street lamps and as the truck gets closer to town as well Macy can see what it looks like and who's in it... it's a bright red truck with the fender all scratched up and dented. But the person who's in the truck? It was her dad. "Jade speed up! Jem call the cops! We need to get home now!"

    Jade sped up and they were three blocks from home. Two blocks. One block. They pulled up to the house and Jade stopped the truck. "Move it! You guys need to get inside! GO!!" Jem was having trouble with his buckle. Mace just had to help him considering how much he's helped her. She finally got the buckle when someone's strong hand clenched around her arm and pulled her from the car.

She knew who it was without looking at him. "Dad." At her saying that he tightened his nails into her skin. Jem and Jade were watching the whole thing and Jade was just about to approach when Macy's dad pulled out a small pocket knife. It was small but enough to make Jade stop in her tracks. "Come any closer and I'll cut up Macy more than she already is."
"No, don't."
"Then stay where you are."

Jade and Jem remained frozen as Macy's dad shoved her into the back of his truck. Macy stayed silent in the back and didn't move. She could feel a strong urge to cut come along. Macy didn't know where her dad was taking her, but she had a feeling it wouldn't be any good for her when they got there...

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