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Macy looked around the room for something to clean up the blood for when she's done. She remembered her really secret hiding place. It was in a hole in the wall inside her closet. She looked in the closet and saw a few black shirts and some pairs of jeans that had holes in them.

She looked behind a black shirt that was hanging next to the wall in the closet and there it was. Her secret spot. It had Band-Aids, towels, a bottle of water, some tools she had kept to cut with, and some sugary things in case she lost too much blood since stuff like that could help bring up blood production and stuff to make up for lost blood.

She grabbed one of the towels and set it on the ground. She also grabbed a few Band-Aids. When she was done with that she brought her pillow and blanket into her closet so that could be like a mini bedroom. Then she grabbed her razor and gripped it. Silently she apologized to Jem, then she slit her wrist..

It bled for about 15 minutes. Macy grabbed her towel to mop up her arm when she heard someone walking downstairs. She panicked and hid all the stuff in her hole and used her blanket to mop it up instead. (She didn't want her towel taken away.)

She got out of the closet with her blanket and sat down on the ground with the closet door shut just before she heard the turn of the lock. The door opened and her dad stood there looking at Mace.

He took in the bloody blanket. And Macy's hand keeping the pressure steady. Her dad came towards her and ripped the blanket from her hands. Macy didn't say anything, but her cut was still bleeding. Not as much but you could tell it was. "What is this?"

Macy didn't answer. Her dad grabbed her chin and made it so she was looking at him. "Young lady I asked you a question! What is this?"
"It's a cut! Okay? It's a cut and you were the reason for it!"

Her dad was silent. He took his hand away from her face and grabbed her arm yanking Mace to her feet. He got his face really close to hers and said, "I swear, if you ever talk to me like that again I will bring your friends here and hurt them while you watch helplessly. Don't think for a second that you're stronger than me because you're skinny as a twig and I'm built like an ox."

He let go of Macy and pushed her away like she was a piece of trash. And in that moment that's exactly how she felt. Just like trash. She didn't know what to do or how to get free. She just knew she was trapped and her friends were now in danger because she had decided she was sick of being lonely. Sitting in that basement she felt selfish and lonely and for the first time in a long time she began to cry.

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