Let Her Rest

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Then Jade hung up. Jeremy rolled his eyes at his sister's sarcasm. He put his hand on Macy's forehead. She was actually burning up. He willed his sister to hurry up in his mind. 'Come on Jade, hurry it up.' He took his hand off her forehead, and put it in hers. Mace moved a little, when Jem heard a motor. He turned his head to see his truck.

Jade pulled up to the curb and got the bikes and helmets in the trunk. While she was doing that Jem was getting Macy into the backseat, buckling her up, hesitating only a second before kissing her forehead, and closing the door. Then mentally he readied himself for Jade's lecture... but it never came. He sat in the front seat next to his sister, but Jade wasn't looking at him. She was focused on the girl in the back seat. Jade looked as worried for Mace as Jem had been. She then buckled up, got the truck to start, and started for home.

Jade hadn't looked at Jeremy the whole ride. She seemed more focused on getting home. Even though the house was only about an 8 minute drive from where they'd been, it seemed much longer. Once they got to the house Jem carried Macy inside, and laid her on her bed. Jade brought in a wet washcloth and laid it on Macy's forehead. Mace made sound of discomfort and moved slightly.
"Shh, hey, hey, it's okay Mace. We need to keep that on your forehead so it can maybe bring down your fever a little, okay? You'll be okay. I'll stay by your side, okay?"

His voice was calming, and soothing. Macy calmed down, and stopped squirming  as much. She didn't open her eyes, but she set her hand on Jem's, and they sat like that for a few minutes. Then Jade broke the silence.
"Hey, we should let her get some rest. C'mon."
"But I told her I'd stay with her, Jade."
"Hey, Jem. Come on, you know as well as I do that if we want her to get better we should let her rest. Okay? Let's go."

Jem looked longingly back at Macy, then nodded and followed his sister out of the room, and shut the door quietly behind him.

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