XX. Beauties of the Night

Start from the beginning

The melodies soothed his ears. Shuu felt as though he was blissfully floating.

"Then she'll be a true love of mine."


Kanato was sitting on the balcony railing, looking down at the scenery below him. Teddy was held loose yet securely in his arms, as he began swinging his legs back and forth. The cool breeze played with his thread-like, lilac hair and toyed with his clothes, but he paid little heed to it.

He parted his soft lips to continue from where he left off. "Tell him to find me a cambric shirt...

Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme..."

Kanato's eyes widened when a new voice blended with his, harmonizing effortlessly. His eyes followed the source of voice, and though he could not see her, a smile spread on his face.

"Without no seam nor fine needle work...

Then she'll bea true love of mine.

Tell her to weave it—"

The sound of the door creaking open behind him. Maddened, Kanato turned, his glare landing on the only human residence in this mansion.

"What?" Kanato spat.

Yui shivered, cowering behind the door. "K-Kanato-kun. I just—I just went up here upon hearing someone sing..."

When she received silent fuming, she decided to compliment him, "Your voice is very lovely, Kanato-kun. Oh, but...who's the other voice I'm still hearing?"

"Guinevere's," Kanato replied, turning his head to look beyond the balcony railings. "It's beautiful, isn't it?"

Yui blinked upon seeing such a gentle smile on his face. It never failed to surprise her. However, the smile was quickly wiped away, replaced by a scathing scowl.

"But then you disturbed me," Kanato said in disgust. "You nosy, disgusting worm. I should snap your weak, pathetic neck right now."

Yui felt her heart skip a beat. Her legs felt like jelly.

"P-Please Kanato-kun, I didn't mean to—"

She stopped when Kanato began heaving himself up. His feet now balanced over the railing handles, causing the platinum blond to turn unhealthily paler.

"Wh-what are you doing?" Yui asked with a trembling voice.

Kanato turned around and laughed. "You're scare I'll fall off? You foolish human!"

"Please...please get down!"

In response, Kanato began rocking back and forth slightly.

"Then beg, mortal," he spoke through giggles. "Beg!"

Yui rushed towards him and reached her hand out. She was getting closer and closer to him, her heartbeat thumping louder and accelerating. She collided with the cold railing, and ignoring the flash of pain, she extended her arm forward...

...only to grab emptiness where he once was.

Yui screamed as she watched him fall.


Guinevere's eyes were closed as she allowed nature to lure her away from her own voice. She could now here the quiet rustling of leaves and the whispering of the cold breeze as it travelled passed her ears. She tightened her grip slightly on the railings, feeling its cool sensation, and sharpened her hearing as she gently tilted forward. Behind her, she could hear Shuu's light snores.

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