Team Kurenai

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I don't know if I spelled her name right. So the chapter before and the next few one's are going to explain how Sakura met everyone.
I don't know if I already said that, I'm sorry if I did.

(No one POV)

Sakura met Kiba one day when she was cloud watching alone.
Akamaru jumped on her,Kiba followed him and apologized to Sakura. She said it was fine since she loves loves dogs. Obviously since her dad summons dogs. They started talking and soon they became good friends because of their dog love.

She came across Shino in the forest he was looking for a bug and she well she was just hanging around. Seriously she was hanging from a tree branch. She felt a bug on her leg and fell down, Shino told her that's the bug he was looking for.

She met Kurani one day when Kakashi invited her, Asuma, Gai, etc..... over for dinner.


Word: 159
Published: August 14, 2018

1) I didn't write how she met Hinata cuz that's it's own chapter

2) I'm sorry if these few chapters are boring it's just I don't have many ideas on how she met them, just bear with me

3) i know this has nothing to do with this story but I'm still going to say it. Please go check out my other book creatures Roaming In The Dark

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