Bitch please

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The two door blockers transformed to their original form.

All the other kids were in disbelief.

"How did you know?! We had made sure we were in a good transformation!" one of them yelled

"Bitch please your mom is always going around showing the pictures of you as a kid" the pinkette stated.

Lee ran to her side "My youthful cherry blossom you are so smart!!" he hugged but she kept trying to push him away. Sasuke glared at the kid in the green one piece

"Lee if you don't get away from her I will burn your eyebrows" the kid with a duckbutt hair do said.

Lee backed away from the girl and She started to walk away "Welp I'm going" she grabbed their arms and dragged them away.

Once on the third floor they saw their sensei. as they walked near the double doors Kakashi wished them luck and told them not to make a fool of themselves.

"hey kid" the silver hair male called out to the girl with emerald eyes. She turned to look at him "Good luck make us proud!"

Sakura smiled and nodded as she walked in, yes she didn't know what he meant by us but pushed it aside

1) I really love everyone that is sooo supportive of this book even tho the updates are slow and short

2) if you have any father daughter ideas that sakura and Kakashi can do please tell me cuz i'm dont know what they would do

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