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     When Malliks were busy in pondering about their losses and cooling their anger,Young Raizada couple was busy in their discussion. Yes they talked. Arnav loved Khushi and Khushi also loved Arnav. But love is not the only thing that keeps a relationship harmonic.
  There must be trust,truth,frankness and clearance about the past. Then can only a relationship succeed.
  Arnav placed Khushi gently on the bed and sat beside her. He wanted to make Khushi his,completely. But he knew that the time was not perfect. They both were new in the relationship. There was love,immense love. But what about trust?
   He knew Khushi from past one year or more. But they had never talked,they were not even friends before he proposed her. Then how can they start their married life in true sense.
  Khushi also was nervous. She loved Arnav. But she was not comfortable with being physical. A kiss,hug was okay. But nothing more than that was okay in that moment. She was a modern girl. She also had traditional values. She knew she will not deny if Arnav wants to consummate their marriage. But she felt they need time,time to know each other,to understand each other. And this need time.
    "Khushi" Arnav called.
   His husky voice broke her trance. She looked down shyly.
    Arnav slowly reached out and hold her hand tenderly,like it was a flower.
  Khushi shivered at his touch. His touch was like current. It passed through her body like a jolt..
   Her cheeks turned pink,she blushed hard.
   Arnav was mesmerised by the beauty of his wife. Her milky white cheeks turning pink,her gently biting her lips,her lowering her eyes shyly.. Everything was making him crazy,crazy to make her his,crazy to be her's.
    Khushi looked up to her silent husband and was mesmerised by his deep chocolaty golden eyes. They were deep as ocean,and the ocean was filled with love and passion for her. The intensity of love in his eyes mesmorised her and stupified her.
"How can he love me so much?" she silently asked herself.
She lost herself in those golden pool of love.
    Nonee of them knew how much time passed,they both were lost in their pure web of love.
    Tring.. Tring.. Tring.. Tring..
   The loud ring of phone broke their trance.
   Arnav was the first one to recover. He pulled out his phone from his pocket. Looking at the caller id a smile broke in his lips.
   Khushi looked at him smiling and raised her head questioningly.
   Arnav nodded hus head at her and answered the call.
    "Hello" said an elderly male voice from other side.
    "Hello Dadu(grandfather)" greeted Arnav smilingly.
   Khushi looked at him confused.
   "Amy(nick name of Arnav) how are you?" asked the same voice.
"I am fine Dadu. And tell Dadi(grandmother) that everything went well. " Arnav said assuringly.
"Okay then. I hope tomorrow we can talk to our grand daughter in law" said the voice.
  "Yes." Arnav also smiled.
   "Okay then. Good night my boy" said the voice pleased.
   "Good night Dadu. Pranam(a form of greeting in Hindus)" said Arnav and hung the call.
   "Arnavji..."he heard her tender voice callin g him and turned to her.
   And what he saw was enough to......

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