Episode 1: OMG, wake up call

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Episode 1: (Edited)

"Radhika, wake up. It's almost 10 am." That was my mom trying to wake me up from my late morning slumber as I turned myself to the other side and dozed off again. My exams were just come to a very dramatic end and the days of chilling and  had arrived. My 12th board, freakishly weird but world's coolest experience which I had just gotten over.

Next thing I know, I woke up to a banging sound of bricks. There was a room being renovated for my elder brother, Sid. Since he wanted to study masters, he needed an extra calm and airy room to study. It was really 10-30 am when I saw the time in my cell. slumping on the couch with the TV remote had arrived. I got out of the bed, scratching and stretching. I then relieved myself from the extra burden of urea & freshened up after a while including all the domestications people do after they wake up. Mom served some breakfast to which I was grateful.

 I gathered the plate in my hand and came outside to watch TV. But Baam!!!!  Power cut. so I did the next best thing I could, I looked for the newspaper.  Finding it, I sat in the hall window. I sunk in to open the window for some light since it was dark and added to my sleepiness, dropping my eyes, every now and than. Then I started going through the news,  movies first, then the technology news lastly sports. As soon as I opened the sports page, there he was, dressed in a black jacket and a brown formal trouser. All ready for the photo shoot. Now it's best to not mention his name. So to initialise my hatred towards him let's call him "he who should not be named" or mere "voldemort, the lord of evil" although, I would like to state his name, Sameer Behl. 

Now on the occasion of my ruined past, let's just take a brief look at "IT"

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