Chapter 6 Ⅰ

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Ding dong!

I glanced at the stairs warily as the doorbell rang, feeling as though I'd been glued to my chair. I'd been nervous about answering the door ever since David paid me his little visit, but my parents had assured me that he wouldn't be back unless I said it was okay. After a bit more hesitation, I decided to stop being a wuss and got up to see who was at the door.

"Who is it?" I asked, my voice wavering slightly.

"Only the bestest guy in the whole wide world!" It was a voice I didn't recognize but it definitely wasn't David's.

I studied the stranger's outline in the window and they seemed to have a stereotypical teenage-boy's stature. He had dark hair and was holding something colorful, but that's all I could tell through the blurred glass. However, something about his voice made me feel like I could trust him, which was odd since I hadn't been able to trust many people since the accident, not even my doctors.

I uncharacteristically decided to take a chance and peeked the door open, scanning my gaze over the boy's handsome face and his wide, genuine smile. I instantly got lost in his navy blue eyes, their mischievous glint intriguing me and drawing me in.

"Oh, Angel..." he said softly, sending my heart into a flutter. "It's so good to see you..." He carefully extended his arms towards me and I finally glanced down to see what he was holding, smiling shyly as I let him give me the bouquet.

"Thank you..." I murmured, trying my best not to blush. I felt like a fool crushing on this guy I didn't remember anything about, but damn was he my type.

"Do you know who I am?" he asked gently, never once breaking my gaze.

I chewed the inside of my lip as I wracked my brain, trying to place his face, his voice, anything. Then I suddenly remembered something. This was the boy in the prom pictures my dad had shown me. He was my friend. Or maybe even, more than my friend.

I nodded slowly, a smile sneaking between my lips. "Yes," I whispered. "I... I think so."

His eyes lit up at that, his smile extending across his face, making his eyebrows lift and dimples appear in his cheeks. "Really?" he asked excitedly, hopeful for my confirmation. "You remember?"

I glanced away for a moment, wondering how much of this charade I could sustain. "Well... a little bit..."

He smirked, which was the most beautiful thing I'd seen since I'd woken up in that hospital bed. "Well, that's better than nothing." His eyes flickered behind me and he asked, "Do you mind if I come in? Are your parents home?"

"Um... No, they're not, but... You can come in..." I stepped aside a bit and opened the door for him, his expression melting into something so warm and kind I swear my knees almost buckled beneath me.

"God, I've missed you..." he breathed, just standing there and taking me in, making my blush finally show through. He stepped inside and respectfully kept his distance, not wanting to overstep his boundaries which I greatly appreciated. "How have you been?" he asked softly, slipping his hands into his back pockets as he stood there beside me.

I shrugged and shut the door, forcing myself not to stutter nervously as I replied, "I'm okay..."

"I'm so sorry this happened to you, I mean you've already gone through enough for about ten lifetimes, now this?" He sighed and shook his head but his words confused me.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, um, nothing, forget I said that." He gestured his head toward the stairs and asked, "Wanna go sit and talk?"

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