Chapter 18 Ⅱ

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"Do I look okay?" I asked, nervously turning my head side to side to inspect myself in the car's tiny mirror.

"Angel, you look perfect," David reassured for the tenth time, gently rubbing my shoulder. "Why are you so anxious? It's just the guys, no one is going to judge you."

I flipped up the visor with a huff, staring out the window at the doorway ahead. "I know, I know. It's just, it's been so long, what if I embarrass myself? What if I can't remember something? I have no idea what's going to happen in there, I-"

David's hand appeared on my cheek, guiding my gaze to him. He said with a warm smile, "Angel, everything is going to be just fine, I promise. Everyone knows what you've been through, no one will be pressing you to remember anything. They're just excited that you're here, they're not expecting anything spectacular." He brought my hand to his lips, placing a light kiss on my knuckles. "This is your family, Angel. I know that as soon as you step inside you'll feel right at home."

I studied his caring eyes, my nerves calming if only a bit. I'd been infatuated with watching the gleam in his eyes grow day after day as he slowly accepted that I was really back in his life and today it was the brightest of all. I gave a small smile, nodding weakly.

"Okay..." I whispered. "If you say so..."

He grinned, pecking my cheek before he hopped out of the car and jogged around the front to whisk open my door. I accepted his outstretched hand and we walked up to the door with our fingers entwined. My heart was pounding as I heard the chatter coming faintly from inside and I gathered all my strength as he rang the doorbell.

The door was quickly opened by a grinning Stampy and he pulled David into a hug, saying, "Hey, mate! So glad you're here!"

He laughed, "Well, we weren't going to miss our own party now were we?"

They stepped apart and Stamps turned his attention to me, instinctively going for a hug but stopping himself and holding out a hand instead. "Angel, it's so good to see you again."

I gave him a dainty handshake and murmured, "You too, Sta- I mean, Joe."

I cringed at myself for calling him that but right now my brain was only remembering all the times we'd recorded together rather than the times we'd hung out in person so it just slipped out. He laughed his signature laugh and waved it off. "Don't worry about it. You can call me whatever you want," he paused and said with a wink, "Elsie." I looked down shyly and David's hand appeared on my back, rubbing small, soothing circles. "Well, what are we waiting for?" Joe asked, stepping aside to let us through. "Come on in!"

I glanced around as I slipped off my sandals, quickly latching onto David's arm as he wandered into the living room.

"Angel!" Amy screamed, leaping off the couch and throwing her arms around me. "It's so good to see you!"

"Amy!" Beth scolded, appearing from down the hall. "We told you to take it easy!"

I laughed though and hugged her back, saying, "It's okay, Amy. It's good to see you, too."

She finally let go and stepped aside, allowing Bethany to come and give me a small hug. "We were so happy to hear you were able to make it, hun," she said, giving me a quick squeeze.

My mind transported me to the summer estate, feeling our arms around each other as I congratulated her on her engagement. I smiled, returning the embrace. "Of course, I wouldn't miss a chance to be with you guys for the world."

I jumped back a bit as I heard something crash and quickly looked back into the kitchen, seeing all the guys staring down at a toppled cooler which was spewing ice across the floor.

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