Chapter 14 Ⅰ

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"Okay, okay, I'm good now, I'm not freaking out, what are you talking about? You're the one freaking out. Wait, is my tie straight? Wh- How? Where is my left shoe?!"

"Would you please hold still for the love of god!"

James frantically followed my best friend around the room as he paced, finally grabbing his shoulders, forcing him to stop and look up at him. James sighed in relief and straightened Joe's tie, clapping his shoulder. "There, all better. Now, would you please calm down? And can someone please find his shoe?"

"Already on it, bro." Ash said, coming to the rescue and handing Joe his shiny black shoe.

James plopped into the chair across from me, clearly exhausted. "Is this what a war zone is like?"

I chuckled and lifted my shoulders, glancing around at my hectic friends one more time.

"Mate, what are you doing still sitting there?" Ash asked, finally noticing me after his shoe hunt. "You gotta get dressed! We have, like, 20 minutes!"

"20 minutes?!" Stampy yelped, tripping on the rug and nearly knocking over the mirror. "Oh no, I- I'm not ready! I think I'm gonna be sick..." He rushed out the side door to exasperated protests, followed by a small caravan of groomsmen.

I shook my head, failing to clear the fog that had been invading my vision for the last few days and had only intensified since arriving here and seeing my best friend in his tuxedo, getting ready to marry the love of his life. "I should be out helping him..." I muttered, preparing myself to get out of my chair. However, James set a hand on my knee, stopping me.

"He'll be alright, mate. I know you feel bad, but no one is blaming you. We know how hard this is for you. You just get dressed and we'll make sure he's ready at the end of the aisle on time, alright?"


"Nuh uh, no complaints. If you wanna help, don't make the wedding march wait on you." He gave me a friendly smirk and got up, jogging out the door and leaving me alone in the dressing room.

I sighed and glanced down at my phone sitting next to me, aching to reach out and see Angel's face on my lock screen just one more time before I had to go through one of the most bittersweet days of my life.

My gaze tore itself away and as if on autopilot, I stood up out of my chair and grabbed my pristine white shirt off its hanger, walking to the mirror as I buttoned it up. I stared at my hands in the reflection, but my mind was nowhere near the monotonous tasks my body was going through. I couldn't stop imagining Bethany in the other room, surrounded by all those girls who love her so much, helping her look perfect for her big day. But in my version, Angel was there with them, her smile lighting up the whole room, her laughter and pure joy making the whole atmosphere that much more special, just by her being there. She wanted to be a part of this wedding more than anyone...

My hands slunk into my front pockets, my eyes glancing over the man standing before me. It's like I didn't even know him.

I turned around, grabbed my tux jacket off the hook, and emptied my mind of any and all thoughts. The fabric slipped over my arms and settled on my shoulders, the extra weight not even a fraction of what I was currently holding up with them. My feet started walking out the door and before I knew it, I was standing at the altar alongside some of the greatest men I'd ever known, watching a beautiful bride in a beautiful gown glide down the aisle.

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