Chapter 25

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Marley and Lilly's barking alerted me to the visitors at the door long before any doorbell could.

I chuckled as I heard Angel bounding down the steps, her cute little voice squealing, "David, they're here!"

I got up off the couch and watched her throw open the front door with a huge smile.

It used to feel bittersweet when I would see Angel with her best friend, how close they were and how easy they seemed to fall into each others' arms. My blood would boil whenever I thought about the two of them kissing onstage, how I was sure that she had let me go in that moment.

Now, though, with everything we've been through together, with all of the hard times Cam has helped her through, I feel nothing but love for him and Meg.

My heart expanded with pride as I watched the two best friends' gazes meet over the giant tote Cam was carrying, a cheeky grin overtaking his jetlagged expression.

"Well, you just gonna stand there like a goof or you gonna come help us?" Cam teased, shooing off Marley who had run outside to greet them due to my inability to grab his collar when Angel opened the door. Lilly was standing by my ankles, curious but too nervous to follow her big brother without a leash.

I motioned for Cam to set the tote down inside and then stood in the open doorway and called for Marley. Marley shot through the door and immediately went and leaned against Cam's legs. Our black lab looked up at me, tongue lolling out of his mouth as if to say, New friends, Dad!

I chuckled as I watched Angel get swallowed up by Cam's hug. I was so glad that they didn't have to give up their friendship when Angel decided to move here with me.

"How's my bestest friend in the whole wide world?" Cam asked, still squeezing the life out of my girlfriend.

"I'd be better if I could breathe," she wheezed, wiggling about until he loosened his grip. She beamed up at him and asked, "How are you?"

He shrugged. "Exhausted, but happy to be here."

Marley finally decided he was bored of Cam and bounded into the living room to chew on his toy to expel some energy.

Cam kissed the top of Angel's head and unwrapped his arms from her form, acknowledging me for the first time.

"Hey Dave, how's it going? Thanks for letting us crash with you for a while, I promise we won't be too big of a nuisance."

I clapped him on the back. "No problem, mate. Any time."

The pair followed me outside where Meg was currently stacking everything into neat piles that would make it easier to carry inside. She was always the rational one of the bunch.

Angel ran up and pulled her into a hug, both of them laughing giddily as the four of us started picking up suitcases and hauling them into the house. Angel was chattering excitedly about all the things she wanted to show them before their semester began. It didn't take long before all of their stuff was scattered about between the living room and guest room. Already exhausted, we gathered in the kitchen to chat over chips and salsa.

After some general small talk, Angel noticed my tablet sitting in the living room and she smiled at it brightly. "Oh! Cam, you've gotta see this." She skipped over and picked up the device, quickly typing in my password—0806, our anniversary—and heading towards Cam's side of the island. "David has been working on this awesome-"

I wrapped a hand around her arm, stopping her. "It's nowhere near ready, Angel," I laughed, gently tugging her back.

"Oh, come on, Charming. They'll love this!"

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