Chapter 11 Ⅱ

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My head leapt off the pillow, my eyes springing open with a gasp. My forehead was glistening with a cold sweat, my arms shaking as they held me up.

A nightmare... I thought, my eyes darting around, searching for anything they could latch onto in the pitch black. Images flashed before my eyes so quickly I couldn't make out a single thing, just endless strings of color, deafening static of a thousand memories fighting in my ears.

It was as if that one breakthrough, remembering that conversation with David, had propped open a door in my mind, letting everything rush out at the speed of a jet engine.

I groaned, trying to force any type of rational thought to emerge from this mess, but it was impossible. I laid back down with a huff, tossing and turning with the relentless torment, feeling like a dinghy lost at sea.

I shoved my head under the pillow, pressing my hands against my ears, finding that it only made the noise louder. I defiantly pressed harder.

After who-knows-how-long, my thoughts finally started to calm down, my brain having thoroughly exhausted itself, and I started to slip into a light sleep. Just when I was on the brink of unconsciousness, an odd image formulated before my eyes. A gray blob at first, then two circles... connected by a chain...


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