Chapter One: Lets Get The Show On The Road

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Mitch POV

I was a bit late to the tour bus because of something I needed to take care of, but it's all better now.

"Oh my gosh, I can't believe we finally get to tour in Europe!" I hear Kevin say as we start loading up the tour bus with our luggage.

"I know! Hey! I hope we have those Spongebob DVD's packed! Hey Scott! SCOTT!?"He wasn't anywhere to be found. Then a sudden answer came as a soon as he realized I was the one asking him.

"Yeah! How could I forget those!?"Scott replied agreeing that they were probably the most important on this tour bus.

"Just think," Kirstie began, "we get our own little compartment where we can just hide away. They are too adorable!"

"Actually you can't really hide away. There are always dragons watching."Avi said without hesitation.

"Hey can I tell you something Avi?" Scott asked leaning towards him.

"Yeah sure what is it?"Avi wasn't used to being asked if someone could tell him something if that makes sense.

"So um, I heard dragons weren't real-" Scott was then cut off when anger filled Avi's face.

"And why would you say that?"Avi asked as his blood pressure raised.

"Well because it's kind of the truth and-" Scott was then cut off by an almost jokingly angry Avi.

"I will fight you right here right now if you want." Avi said angrily as the vains in his hands raised because of the anger rushing through them.

"You guys better cool down back there.I wouldn't want my Beyoncé to hear such negativity coming from our leaders now would we?" Kevin asked as he kissed the case of his cello Beyonce as he put it into the tour bus.

"Alright guys this is our big moment."Jonathan beamed at all of us knowing what great things we could do.

"Alright queens, show time!"I said as we all started to load the bus.

Each member took one last look at their hometown and started to load into the bus one by one.I came into the the bus last though.I can get a bit emotional when leaving.I can't believe I won't be seeing my baby Wyatt for over 3 weeks.There is no other torture as bad as this for momma.This was going to be a long tour.

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