host no. 7 ; seo changbin

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"I will, if you choose me as your date forever." he looks at me and winks.

I smack his arm playfully.

"Eyes on the road. I don't want to die young."


After about twenty minutes of me and Changbin rambling and singing along to 3RACHA's songs, we finally arrived to our destination—the location of our date for tonight.

"We're here, my lady." Changbin says and gets out of the car, running to the other side and opens the door for me. He bows slightly and smirks at me, I roll my eyes and step out of the car.

"Wow. I've always wanted to go here with someone but I can't because of school." I say, looking at the surroundings. Apparently he had taken the both of us out to a zoo, a place I never got to visit since I was a kid because my parents are busy with their jobs overseas and my siblings are too preoccupied with their studies to even go out and have a chill time. And I was lucky to go here with Changbin since I want to know more about him; he seems like an interesting guy.

He holds out his arm for me to take, "Shall we, my lady?"

"We shall." I take his arm and link my own arm in his, grinning.

We then entered the zoo hand in hand. Changbin paid for our tickets and the guy behind the ticket booth gave us the wristlets for us to wear.


For the first hour or so, the two of us walked around the zoo together while eating a hotdog each. Changbin said that the hotdogs made here are the bomb, and he said he wanted the both of us to try one, so who am I to reject his offer? Especially when he did aegyo just for me to agree to his idea.

"Wow Changbin, this tastes great." I say, finishing off my hotdog as I sip on my Coke.

He nods. "Yeah. I just heard from Hyunjin that this place makes the best hotdogs." he says, throwing the tissue paper in a garbage bag as he finishes his own food.

"Well then, where do we go next?" I asked him, putting my head on his shoulder.

"Wherever my lady wants to go to." he replies modestly, smiling down at me.

I roll my eyes playfully and scan my eyes around the place. Damn, this zoo is so popular that people are flocking inside. We better move fast so we can see everything.

"Let's go in there." I point to the Castillo el Mammalia and pull him inside.


"Changbin-ah, let's take a picture." I say, setting my phone on camera mode as we position in front of the dolphins and we smile, posing in front of the camera.

"Take another one." he says and I take another one, this time with me smiling while putting up the peace sign near my face and Changbin placing an unexpected kiss on my cheek.

I blushed at his bold actions and looked down, putting my phone back inside my pocket, suddenly feeling all shy and embarrassed. Well, who wouldn't be? I bet, if someone else were in my shoes right now, that person would freak out and wouldn't know what to do.

Changbin must've sensed that I had become shy so he held my shoulders with his hands and made me turn to face him. When I did, I lowered my head down.

He chuckled softly and used his thumb and index finger to gently lift my head up with my chin, and when I met his eyes I almost melted at his loving gaze. I smiled, and I felt all my shyness go away in that one small move.

"Let's go see the pandas. I heard you like them." he said, smiling.

I giggled. "How did you know I love pandas?"

"Secret." he smiled cheekily and held my hand, "Kaja."


"Changbin-ah, look! He looks like you." I say, pointing at a small panda that was in a comfortable sitting position while idly chewing on a bamboo shoot.

He chuckled and stood next to the cage that holds the panda. "Yeah, he does look like me," he turns to the panda and talks to it—as if it could understand words, "hey buddy, are you my son? 'Cause if you are, this is your mom." he points at me and I smile, shaking my head. Changbin looks at me with a cheeky grin and I take a picture of him and the panda.

"You two are so adorable. Maybe you're his biological father." I say, silently munching on a potato swirl he bought for me earlier.

"And you're his mom." he grins. I rolled my eyes and took a selfie with another panda I saw.

"Whatever you say." I snorted, putting my phone down, and I met eyes with a pouty Changbin.

"But I'm cuter, right, my lady?" he smiles and puts up a peace sign.

"Sure you are." I replied, rolling my eyes playfully. Changbin laughed and held my hand in his, the other hand of his adjusting the cap resting on his head.

He then checked his time on his watch, "Oh no, look at the time."

I looked at my phone, and it was then I only realized that I was out with Changbin for about three hours now. It was already 11 in the evening, and I was surprised at how time flies by so fast.

"We should probably head back now, we wouldn't want you to look tired for your last two dates tomorrow." he casted a somewhat sad look on his face, but he quickly covered it up with a wide smile.

"Yeah, we probably should." I said and squeezed his hand.


"Thanks for tonight, Changbin-ah. I had fun." I said, swinging our hands that were still intertwined.

"Me too. Thank you for everything, my lady." he smiled and leaned down, placing a sweet kiss on my nose. I blushed, smiling at his romantic gestures.

"Oh! Before I forget," he takes out a small dolphin plushie, "here's something to remember me by, so you won't go forgetting all about me and our date tonight." he winks, handing me the stuffed animal.

I giggled and took it, kissing the top of the toy's head.

"Thanks Changbin. I love it." He smiles.

"Now Gyu has a little sister. Or brother. No wait, that dolphin is pink, so it's a girl."


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- pealix_lee 💖

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