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After the wedding things got busy with Zander and me. Our business was taking off and well, we added to our family. As in four kids more.

We were good with four considering they kept us on our toes. Plus Zander being Zander took to fatherhood quite nicely.

Yeah he still liked hanging people upside down

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Yeah he still liked hanging people upside down. We had three boys and a girl. Emmett, Aspen, Ian and Xavier. Life was busy for all of us.

Ethan and Lexie got married and had two kids, a boy and a girl, Samantha and Alexander.

Diego and Violet got married and had two girls, Rose and Lily. Apparently they wanted to keep flowers in the family.

Our parents took to being grandparents quite nicely. They love to spoil all the grandkids and then send them home. Thanks mom and dad. I think this is punishment for all the times I had those noisy toys growing up.

As we wrestled the kids into their baths and bed, and boy did we wrestle.

"Zander do you have Xavier?!"

"Yep, got his naked butt right here," he said carrying him in over his shoulder. He put him in the bath, "stay."

"He's not a dog."

"You sure about that?"

"Woof," Xavier said.

I did a double take.

"Point made." He turned and looked out the door, "Emmett take your brother out that headlock right now!"

"Why dad? It's fun!"

"I'll fun you," he said leaving the bathroom.

Aspen appeared in the doorway, "mommy I don't feel so good."

My eyes widened, "oh no." Too late. Aspen puked everywhere including on me.

Zander came to the door holding Ian like a football, "well that's gross."

I gave him a look.

"Let's go before mommy kills daddy," Zander said looking at Ian.

"You got it dude," he said giving him a thumbs up.

"Someone has been watching too much tv," he said leaving with Ian

After I cleaned up Aspen and got Xavier bathed, I handed them off to Zander who also got puked on. Ha! That will teach him.

He cleaned up Aspen then got her settled. Then he climbed into the shower with me. As much as a shower sounds sexy, I would rather not smell like vomit. So gross.

After our shower, we finally called it a night and crawled into bed. We fell onto the bed exhausted.

"I've come to a conclusion," I said with a muffled sound.

"What's that?"

"Movies. They all lie. They make everything seem like it's great when in reality life is nothing like the movies."

He chuckled.

"What's so funny?"

"The fact that I told you years ago that movies weren't real and you lived in a fantasy world."

"Ah," I squealed as I grabbed a pillow and whacked him with it.

"What was that for?"

"For being a cheesehead," I said emphatically.

"Well, you're still a pain in the ass, so we're even," he shrugged as I went to hit him again but he caught my wrists, taking the pillow away from me and pulling me into a kiss.

Life might have not turned out the way the movies portray but it turned out exactly the way it's suppose to. It took Summer Lovin for two people who Took A Chance to find it. Because we all know It Takes Two to make an imperfect love perfect in their own way.

If I had to do it all over again, would I change anything? Nope not one bit and that was fine by me.

The End.

I hope you all enjoyed the cross over sequel to It Takes Two and Summer Lovin called Take A Chance. I absolutely loved writing the stories.

Unfortunately there will not be another book with these books. I think the story is pretty much completed.

Now that's not to say I don't have plans because I do. In fact I have a brand new book coming tomorrow titled Meant To Be with a brand new set of characters, romance and a whole lot of humor. Look for it. It will hit at some point tomorrow.

In case anyone was wondering who the crazy minister was, it was none other that Nixon Gray who belongs to The Gray Brothers which is out along with out it's series.

Thanks for reading Take A Chance! See you next book!

Much love

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