Bed of roses

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After that day, Zander and I started over. We still bickered, that would never change but things did get better between us. Even my friends admitted to being cheeseheads.

Zander still wanted to take me out on a date, although I wasn't exactly sure what he had in mind. With him one could never tell. All I was told is to dress casual and it's a surprise.

I woke up Saturday morning and looked around, "what the?" My bed was covered with rose petal with me in it. Then my eyes widened. My room had wall to wall roses.

I thought about it, then it dawned on me. I got up and went over to my movies. I pulled out the movie Bed Of Roses. Attached was a note.

Follow the clues. Next one has you.

I thought about it and it has me in it. My name. I pulled out Jerry Maguire. His ex's name was Avery. Although I'm pretty sure that's not a good thing. Inside was another note.

For your next clue you're going to need to get dressed. This clue awaits outside.

Okay, so my guess is these clues have something to do with romantic movies. What movie had to do with outside? I thought about it while I dressed. As soon as I threw my shoes on, I ran downstairs and out the door. Then I ran back inside.

Dad looked at me, "jacket. I need a jacket." I ran back upstairs, grabbed a hoodie and ran back downstairs, past my dad and out the door.

I thought about it. What has to deal with outside? I look around and noticed the flag on the mailbox up. I walked over and over and opened it. You Got Mail. I rolled my eyes. I opened the lid and inside was a note.

Now this clue is going to take you to a place which is you final destination but don't go Overboard.

Don't go overboard. That movie had a boat and the main character fell over board. The docks that are close by.

I made my way over to the docks to find Zander standing next to a boat. I walked up, "did you like my little scavenger hunt?"

"It was interesting and thanks for the billion roses and rose petals," I said with a look.

"Every girl likes flowers including a Bed Of Roses," he smiled.

I couldn't help but smile. He took my hand and led me onto the boat. As soon as we were on, the guy operating the boat lifted the plank and secured it. We took a seat as the driver took a seat. He pulled out and drove.

It was a little chilly but I didn't mind. That was until my teeth started chattering. Okay I changed my mind, it was freaking cold out here.

Zander pulled out a blanket and wrapped it around me then wrapped his arms around me. I snuggled into him. Okay this was better. Much better.

We arrived at our destination and exited the boat onto the dock. He took my hand and we walked to a restaurant right off the dock. We walked inside and found a seat. A waitress brought us menus.

"I see you decided to come see me Zander," she winked and smiled.

"Joy, this Avery. Avery, this is Joy. She's a friend of my grandparents."

"Hi," I said as I waved.

"Well, aren't you the cutest thing," she said then turned to Zander, "if I were you, I wouldn't screw this up. I'll be back with your order shortly."

"This is different," I said looking around.

"My parents brought me here a lot growing up. I still come here a lot, just alone," he shrugged.

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