What was that?

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Zander's POV

I can't believe she slapped me! I know I tease her and all but I had no idea what she was talking about. What picture?

Roxanne walked up with her friends laughing.

I turned to her, "did you take a picture of Avery?"

"Well, duh. She was cleaning off her shirt from the drink Lance through at her," she smirked.

I looked at her, "why?"

"So we can laugh at her. You know the way you always laugh at her," she rolled her eyes.

"I tease her but I would never do that to her," I said with furrowed brows.

"Zander, it was just a joke," she said defensively.

"A stupid joke. Give me your phone," I demanded.

"What? No," she said with a disgusted look.

"Fine." I grabbed her purse as she fought me, found her phone and threw it on the ground, stepping on it with my boot. I smashed the thing to bits.

"What the fuck Zander?!"

"Next time you decided to take photos of someone without their consent, you'll get worse," I barked. I started to walk away before turning and looking at her, "oh and we're done!" With that I left.

I needed to find Avery.  I got on my bike and drove around until I decided to go over to her house. It was a long shot.

I pulled up in front of her house and got off my bike. I walked up to the door and knocked. Her brother Ethan answered.

"What do you want?"

"Is Avery here," I asked.


"I need to talk to her," I said as stood there with my hands shoved in my jeans.

"Well, she doesn't want to talk to you. Stay away from my sister," he said slamming the door on me.  Okay time for plan B.

I walked around looking for a way to the second floor. I found it. She had this lattice next to their house. I started climbing it.  I made my way to the over hang.

I climbed up and checked the windows. Nope.  Nope.  Bathroom.  Nope.  Where the hell was her room?  I reached up and climbed up on top of the roof. I walked over and climbed down.

I checked again. How many bedrooms does one family need?  I finally found her room. I looked into her window and found her laying on her bed watching a movie.

I watched for a few minutes. What kind of movies does this chick watch?  No wondered she has a skewered view of love.  That's the problem with movies, they portray some unrealistic ideal of romance.  I rolled my eyes.

I tapped on her window. Nothing. I tapped again. She turned and screamed. I screamed and I proceeded to lose my footing and fell off her roof.  I swear this chick is trying to kill me.

I laid on the ground groaning when the door opened.


"Don't mind me," I groaned.

She walked over and leaned over.

"You're not going to hit me again, are you?"

"I should but no," she said as she held out her hand. I took it and she helped me up. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to see if you were okay."

"Why?"  She looked at me confused.

"Because I knew you were upset."

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